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Z67H last won the day on February 5

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  1. add sharks to the water would make it WAY better
  2. Not everything on the barge is illegal what if a person just wants their custom item like the swords or nerf gun?
  3. Z67H

    Erm Lockpick

    There are many times I’ve seen a person call 911 saying it was self defense and they get arrested for it still
  4. Z67H


    Said what?? He said that the bikes make the server lag but didn’t say why he thinks it’s the bikes causing the problem
  5. Z67H


    What makes you think it is their bikes specifically?
  6. Honestly I feel like we could give him a chance I mean we had gave jmoorsey a chance why not him
  7. I would be really funny people +rep you to make your rep 0
  8. Z67H

    New trade UI

    I think the server could benefit from a trading ui added to the c menu and request a trade and you can only see what they offer (LEGAL ITEMS ONLY) some pro’s would make it so it will lower the chance for it to fall through the map and a new QoL thing Pro’s- add’s a easier way to sell or trade suits or things you need (not including guns or drugs or anything illegal since it would ruin alot of police things) Con’s- would need a whole new thing to be made or added Most likely need a lot of testing before hand to prevent glitches and possible duping using it if added
  9. Fix the truncated domes on the crosswalks they are inaccurate they have 1 way to cross but extend to the other streets but have no crossing
  10. +1 good guy and I think he can be a good addition to the team
  11. huge +1 please it is so annoying when your transferring a lot of items between inventory’s
  12. Z67H

    no shot

    sorry honestly forgot i said that but still stands that even so you would have to know the names of the people i was detaining in my opinion you should be unbanned because you thought i saw you kill someone (also make sure to be careful if your in a vc and are talking about the game) if i would of seen it wouldn't i have followed you to arrest you?
  13. Z67H

    no shot

    hey i was the cop in the clip first off i didn't notice you kill anyone i was more focused on the white cars driving in the building and no i did not admit in the sit i was planning to arrest anyone what i said was i was planning to let everyone go since it would of been way to many people to arrest at once with just me i can see why in your perspective why it wasn't RDM since you thought i saw you kill someone
  14. +1 good dude definitely deserves to be apart of the team
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