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About Ak48

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  1. +1 This faction really seems interesting and a fun concept. Seeing a Russian faction on the server will really add more diversity and RP into the server; i wish to see great RP from this faction. Tobins is also a good fit to lead a faction and hope to see him strive.
  2. Ak48

    Ban Appeal

    I was there for a little bit of the situation. Monaclue and James would basically in my eyes try to get a reaction out of us (BPS members) Not RDM bait but just to make us mad. When we would get harassed we would tell them to leave us alone and if not they would be meet with a shovel swing. But the thing is when we did swing and hit monaclue or James they would have some random guy sitting in the background no part in the situation just shoot us (pretty sure it was shown in the clip) this to me seems like a fair unban appeal and I think both sides are in the wrong but really seems like shitty rp from monaclues end. I would feel like reducing this man’s ban is fair. -Ak48
  3. +1 BPS really brings life and rp into the server. We had rp with Italians over graffiti and settlements with drug distributors to make money with. Over all BPS is a very unique street gang that will surely bring life into the server and convert minges into rpers.
  4. -1 I have seen factions with a lot longer backstories than yours and then still don’t get accepted. It seems like a good concept but just expand your backstory.
  5. Ak48


    you're in the same family and if one messes up we cant risk having one try to take us down. Now you saying that he wasn't killed yet leads me to believe that he is metagaming with you.
  6. Ak48


    Your friend Benny "junior" Siprianni broke a lot of our family rules and the colombo family decided that you would be an active threat to us if we killed your friend. Plus knowing that you have a lot of knowledge on this game you would have to be dealt with first.
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