Your Character or Steam Name: Vincenzo "Vinnie" Castigliani
Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:473452633
Your Discord ID#: marcxo.
Reason for ban: 8x PO | LTAP
Length of ban: 4 weeks
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute & Apology,
Firstly, I'd like to apologize for all of my past offenses and to anybody involved. Most of these potential offenses were over a year ago infact and potentially even further ago than that and I take full responsibility for what had occurred in those past offenses and I plead for the forgiveness of that. Before making this ban appeal I made sure I carefully inspected the server rules, most of which I already knew but to be sure I went over it anyways. LTAP is when you leave to avoid punishment or roleplay in which what happened I did not. My character irp is a drug addict and did a few baggies of coke while a cop was watching and I didn't know until it was too late, so I evaded arrest by trying to run and then eventually gave up and i was caught and taken to a cell in which I spoke to him and requested my sentence and a lawyer but to no avail, I was ignored even for the request of asking for a lawyer or a sentence.
If anything I was trying to receive my punishment and not avoid it by leaving because I was fearful of being banned again due to my past offenses and being banned for LTAP even though me leaving to avoid punishment wasn't my true intentions. For a good 20 minutes I stood in that cell constantly trying to talk to the officers so I could serve my time and then leave and I was constantly ignored, except I was offered a plea deal but the link to the google document didn't work and as I tried telling the officer which on the other side of the cell he also ignored me. I constantly spammed when am I getting charged for 20 minutes and tried to get the officers attention so after that I left and rejoined again a day later in hopes of getting my sentence, there were no cops around the cell so I asked a staff member to help me out with this and he brought the officer over, Charlie Fray who finally gave me my sentence a day later which was 15 years. I'm sure anybody else in my situation would've done the same thing cause eitherway left the game or not I still would've received my punishment and I wasn't even trying to avoid it. So I'd like to respectfully request that the length of my ban is removed or atleast reduced please.
Why should you be unbanned?: It was simply a time of inconvenience with miscommunication going on in which I was banned for LTAP which is when you're try to leave to avoid punishment. The cops were actively ignoring me while I was trying to receive my punishment, anybody else would've done the same thing in my position.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A