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Saint Nicky

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Everything posted by Saint Nicky

  1. No coups this year, Rae is competent and so is the rest of our higher ups.
  2. I understand you're trying to do your job but you're framing it to seem as if its my fault that the cops weren't responding to me and roleplaying with me. Me being in cuffs means I'm being detained and I find it interesting that you expect me to just sit and wait after 20 minutes with no interaction at all while the cop detained me and didn't carry out the rest of the process of detaining me and giving me my sentence. To say I didn't learn my lesson is asinine in its self because old me would've just hopped on my old character or got back on next week. I got bored and then later I had to go attend to errands so I joined back the next day and I was charged with the help of you bringing the officer to finish what had been started. I purposely waited 20 minutes which was more than enough so I can roleplay with this officer who was actively standing there and was not afk as he was interacting with other people and another cop the whole time, you can't say the officer couldn't roleplay with me if I was the one who was eager to roleplay with him in the first place and get my charge so I could be free and finally get out of a cell. If the roles were reversed and I was the cop I would take full responsibility for my faults because at the end of the day I detained the person, If I'm doing that it's obviously reasonable to finish that roleplay and not just have the person waiting there, If I had been there for a hour who knows I still would've been there considering I did not know that I could leave after 30 minutes of no interaction. Lets use critical thinking here anzati1. If I had already waited 20 minutes and I was trying to completely avoid roleplay don't you think I would've waited an extra 10 minutes so I could get out? Thats exactly another place where your claim is faulty. And me also asking for attention doesn't mean I need them to babysit me, they could've easily gave me another link for the google doc so it could be shared with me or easily explained my charges and sentenced me but that didn't happen until the next day after which I purposely joined again so I can be sentenced. Even when I asked for a lawyer they didn't give me a response and I surely didn't see an advert for one to represent me either otherwise I would've stayed and I wouldn't be making this ban appeal to begin with.
  3. Firstly, I said i was stuck in here for no reason simply for the reason that someone would attend to the ticket faster and cause i didn't want to write the whole situation down but instead when you came I literally told you everything that happened so your claim is already faulty, and then you proceeded to tell me I may get banned later which was when i was done serving my 15 year sentence. I never even avoided rp, I tried interacting with the cops and they didn't even ignore me, especially when I said the plea deal wasn't working and when the one that was around he still ignored me. The ban wasn't even necessary if you think about it cause I literally joined the next day, you brought the arresting officer and I got exactly what I wanted which was my sentence and thats what I wanted the whole time. I by no means avoided roleplay at all in the first place if my arresting officer was refusing to roleplay with me in the first place and communicate with me on my sentence or even the plea deal. Most of those PO's were in 2021 and and only 2 LTARP's in 2023. Such a long time ago right? I have learned my lesson which is why I wanted to resort to speaking to the officers before leaving and nothing happened. I wasn't gonna spend a majority of time spamming officers who weren't cooperating and not giving me a response at all, if you want to you could even pull up the logs of me repeatedly spamming to the officers when am I getting charged and whats my sentence. So I'd like to plead with you to think about is it really leaving to avoid roleplay if the cops weren't doing it in the first place and if I joined the next day and right after things started to move along and I got my sentence? I by no means lied at all or left to avoid punishment in this case and to insist that I did is pure tomfoolery.
  4. Your Character or Steam Name: Vincenzo "Vinnie" Castigliani Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:473452633 Your Discord ID#: marcxo. Reason for ban: 8x PO | LTAP Length of ban: 4 weeks Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute & Apology, Firstly, I'd like to apologize for all of my past offenses and to anybody involved. Most of these potential offenses were over a year ago infact and potentially even further ago than that and I take full responsibility for what had occurred in those past offenses and I plead for the forgiveness of that. Before making this ban appeal I made sure I carefully inspected the server rules, most of which I already knew but to be sure I went over it anyways. LTAP is when you leave to avoid punishment or roleplay in which what happened I did not. My character irp is a drug addict and did a few baggies of coke while a cop was watching and I didn't know until it was too late, so I evaded arrest by trying to run and then eventually gave up and i was caught and taken to a cell in which I spoke to him and requested my sentence and a lawyer but to no avail, I was ignored even for the request of asking for a lawyer or a sentence. If anything I was trying to receive my punishment and not avoid it by leaving because I was fearful of being banned again due to my past offenses and being banned for LTAP even though me leaving to avoid punishment wasn't my true intentions. For a good 20 minutes I stood in that cell constantly trying to talk to the officers so I could serve my time and then leave and I was constantly ignored, except I was offered a plea deal but the link to the google document didn't work and as I tried telling the officer which on the other side of the cell he also ignored me. I constantly spammed when am I getting charged for 20 minutes and tried to get the officers attention so after that I left and rejoined again a day later in hopes of getting my sentence, there were no cops around the cell so I asked a staff member to help me out with this and he brought the officer over, Charlie Fray who finally gave me my sentence a day later which was 15 years. I'm sure anybody else in my situation would've done the same thing cause eitherway left the game or not I still would've received my punishment and I wasn't even trying to avoid it. So I'd like to respectfully request that the length of my ban is removed or atleast reduced please. Why should you be unbanned?: It was simply a time of inconvenience with miscommunication going on in which I was banned for LTAP which is when you're try to leave to avoid punishment. The cops were actively ignoring me while I was trying to receive my punishment, anybody else would've done the same thing in my position. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
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