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Everything posted by MadVillainy

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Phillip J Sosa/NeverBeGameOver Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:54734199 Your Discord ID#: 530456949460959263 Reason for ban: Rdm Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I will take accountability where can, as I know I've caught bans in the past for Rdm. However this event can be chaotic to navigate at times, not to mention the minshua of protecting the package or get the lay up. During the sit I even stated ill apologize as and such as im here to partake in the event. However something in my eyes doesn't justify this ban. Why should you be unbanned? During the sit I said im willing to take accountability if the rdm was blatant. However I didn't get to see a clip of the person I rdm in question so I can understand their view point and come correct next time incase I land in a sit. I was just banned as I was conducting my self in a respectable manner during the sit. I'm also going to provide a clip that extends and provides further context to the situation as I was catching bullets and carrying a package, heading towards its marked drop off point. Like 2 gun fights happen back to back and im trying to keep moving to its drop off point as those gun fights occur. So I pick up a bit of distance and last guy I smoke got me banned. Looking at the clip and recalling the moment I was in, I had no clue if he a gun or was calling for backup as people ID the outfits and package carriers. If I saw who they where there's a decent chance I wouldn't have unloaded, as I regular check the rules from time to time sense I've been banned for rdm in the past, I was hoping to just get a note or a verbal warning since its been a minute for ever being in a sit for rdm related things. But this is not the case, as I clearly didn't have the luxury while carrying a package as well to make sure that guy was idle threat at the very least. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPUp7mJLoDrMNwsT-?invite=cr-MSxYdVQsMjMwMjExOTE2LA
  2. +1 Diverge old head. I've been around this guy sense he came back to mafia rp. Great player overall and didn't have to refresh anything basic about the sever with him. He doesn't strike me as the type to throw away his interest to play over a small ban and hop on alt if he knew it was gonna perm him. I don't think his intentions came from a bad place either.
  3. +1, well written app, and rp that isn't a bar, boxing, and the usual stuff
  4. +1 had soo many great interactions with this guy
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: Spike Spiegal Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:54734199 Your Discord ID#: 530456949460959263 Reason for ban: RDM PO X3 Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was letting a new player drive around and suggested we go to the Tech Store to pick up some tapes and enjoy some music around the city, while she is getting used to driving in the city. As we where doing that some guys in Top hats came running up to us trying to get into our car, but it was locked and was trying to her to get used to the C menu functions, besides that I could tell from their behavior they where mostly minges looking to disrupt RP and such. I paid them no mind, but seeing how minges mostly thrive off attention will bug the shit outta anyone for it, I mainly tried to ignore them. I park my car and one of them steals it, so I shoot him down, one of them ends up breaking NLR and coming back later on, now the other man in the top hat comes to brother us and is trying to make threats without a weapon, which is a idle threat I get that, when his friend comes back I told him he's breaking NLR and pretty much gun him down, I understand if thats rule breaking there, then i point my gun to the other guy and say: "Bop scoot, get outta here." I warn him either two or three times, but im sure he's just baiting me at that point, however I am public property which I understand you can't really kick people out of. Though I've been told you can point a gun at someone and put them in fear rp outside of mugging/kidnapping scenarios to have them leave, that is what I was trying to accomplish, Sense it would be RDM if I gunned him down with no reason too. After I melee him to death, I left the store and try and move on cause I know they are just gonna go around fishing for attention and just do mingy things that will eventually them banned. I always had the rules in mind and what I learned in previous admin sits behind me as well other times I've gotten notes or banned of my own wrong doing. Why should you be unbanned? I was ultimately only trying to follow the rules, while trying to deal with minges. One of them did break NLR, even though I didn't make the ticket it was mainly due to planning to leave the store so I didn't get into any further issues with the guys in the top hat. These guys had a target and seems like they get their kicks off by getting people into losing situations with the admins, when I never just bluntly RDM someone ( I understand if did due to one of them breaking NLR, im willing acknowledge that mistake.) Other than that I feel justified in trying my best to shoe away minges that are just fishing for attention and reactions from people because they can't think of other ways to entertain them self's, while I was in the middle of showing a new player the ropes and trying to make it a fun time. I've also recruited many people, when I do that I've encounted folks like that have no respect for the rules and just try to sideline me in the middle of training someone and showing them the mechanic's of the sever, and as stated/mentioned I always try to handle them with the rules in mind so I don't get banned or notes written up as well @ admins if need be. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/irXFOHO6uyvWAg_N_/d13371GcDBGN?invite=cr-MSw5SHMsMjMwMjExOTE2LA
  6. +1 I have done rp with these guys, they have great showmen ship and look like can provide entertaining events as well bringing in some well needed Spanish/Colombian culture into new York.
  7. You have to go to the PD, to get a pack of cigarette's. Which kind of blows because almost no cop besides a few based ones like Maggie are willing to hand you a pack of Ciggies if you ask casually. Making the P226 is so worth, plus sometimes its nice to have a pack of cigs incase you wanna rp buming a smoke off of someone, I would always keep a pack in case someone in the city wanted a cig before map change.
  8. +1 this guy has serious game master potential as well
  9. I figured, thanks for the reply
  10. I tried to Hop on my Daniel Lasko Character, and getting the message it is Character Banned? I don't really have a clue or idea, I don't recall breaking any rules or such.
  11. Your Character or Steam Name: Character Name: Victor "Vatari" Vanson, Steam: NeverBeGameOver Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:54734199 Your Discord ID#: 530456949460959263 Reason for ban: Item Transfer/Middle Manning Length of ban: 3 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I'm making this appeal in to own up and accept responsibility of my actions and looking to move forward after taking the time the brush up on the sever rules. As well Apologizing for acting out in bad faith of my actions for middle manning item transfers. I understand that I shouldn't be breaking sever economy and helping a player that's been Pk'd, swap their previous items over to a new character, so they can bypass the initial stages of building player wealth. As well circumventing the whole point of why the sever features Pk's. Why should you be unbanned? Having no priors offenses before this ban, I only intend to follow the rules and not repeat any of the same actions in the future, and not break any other rules that leads to other bans. I have no interest or will to ever try doing something like ever again, especially if encountering a similar scenario in the future, I can ensure the right actions to avoid the consequences for my self and other players acting in the same vein. Any failure to do so in the future will be my fault and failure of the lesson learned here. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Not every item was transferred over to from the Pk'd player to the new one. I'm willing to hand over all items ASAP and have no interest of holding on to them for personal gain as well as selling them off.
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