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Everything posted by Altoid

  1. It wasn't RDM baiting..?
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Altoid Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567801681 Your Discord ID#: 1049146355131625472 // @altoid2 Reason for ban: NITRP Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal: Dispute Why should you be unbanned?: Listen, I know that I'm sort of prone to getting banned and I understand my past offences history on this server but I reviewed the clip and I honestly don't think this ban was conducted properly, I don't think the punishment fit what I did, and to back up this claim I will send a clip of the events that lead up to the ban itself. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jusJPvgtcH6rQxY_E?invite=cr-MSx0ZncsMjI0MTMzNTY4LA
  3. Altoid

    ban apeal

    did darth vader take this clip?
  4. I fail to see how that note has anything to do with the fact that you falsely banned me for a situation completely separate to the Alt-E situation? I apologized to the staff member and the officer who had to deal with my retarded behavior during the alt-e situation and I explained it was the first and the last slip up and that it will not happen again. I meant that. You admitted to screwing up the process, failing to get my side of the story, you banned me for NITRP, I had reasons and I have evidence that I had intent to roleplay and that I wasn't minging, I have many PO's I wont deny that, I understand the difference between a justified ban and a ban that has not been justified, this ban is not justified.
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: Altoid Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:567801681 Your Discord ID#: 1049146355131625472 Reason for ban: "NITRP (Extensive PO's)" Length of ban: 2 weeks/14 days Reason for appeal (dispute): Wasn't brought to a sit and explained towards the reason of the ban prior to actually being banned. It wasn't NITRP as I did indeed have the intention to roleplay. Moderator couldn't even be bothered to contact me after explaining, I had to contact him. Admitting to not taking me to a sit and getting my side prior to being banned. Why should you be unbanned? I approached the police department lobby due to my long term IC friend being arrested by a police officer for trespassing, I went up to the door and claimed that said person was my client and that I was there to represent them, they would not allow me in because they did not believe me. I muscled my way through the door and I ran around while they tried to tase me, I was then promptly arrested for trespassing but not impersonating a lawyer, was not offered a plea deal and was not allowed a lawyer after I requested one several times, probably because I was talking shit to the officer whilst in the cell. I was then placed in the back enclosed cells while I was placed in the pen faction and a cop yelling at me that I was being banned for cop baiting, however I was not cop baiting and I came with the intent of impersonating a lawyer to help my friend. (to clarify i didnt come to break my friend out). After being placed in the enclosed cell I was banned for 2 weeks without being brought to a sit, without staff saying anything beforehand. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Thanks to whichever staff member puts their time and reviews this appeal, as well as looks at the evidence that I've added to support the dispute I've written. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jiAvRQWA2AzBdnhFz?invite=cr-MSxPaU4sMjI0MTMzNTY4LA - Clip of moderator banning me without an admin sit or explanation. https://gyazo.com/5f97246cd7407a33b3be28c3611655c4 - Screenshot of said Moderator admitting towards not getting my side, not taking me to a sit, and failing to follow through with the procedures put in place for staff.
  6. ^ the last part is what i was told. if i could be corrected thatd be excellent
  7. Hey! So I was the guy that shot you in the head. You were shot in the head because Underboss Izumi YamaRyu sent someone to kill me with don orders and the person that was sent to kill me told me about this, arranged a meeting with Izumi YamaRyu with intent of setting her up. He told me what room, etc via ic telephone. You were shot because I was PK active due to don orders, Izumi YamaRyu was shot about 5 seconds after you were shot. I viewed you as a threat, you knew I worked for diamond. You were basically standing guard on the door and more than likely was armed waiting for me and I deemed you as a threat and shot you in the head, as I was about to PK the underboss.
  8. Altoid

    Ban Appeal

    I watched him trying to leave the hospital but he couldn't because of the door
  9. Altoid

    Ban Appeal

    +1 I was the guy there, don't think this is worth a 1 week ban, i believe it should also be shortened. What he did wasn't serious enough to be a 1 week ban PO's or not.
  10. -1 metagames like a mf, wouldnt talk to my one character for events that took place on another character. uses ai on his bar exams, not a good fit to be staff
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