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krokie last won the day on January 14

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About krokie

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  1. You were PKed for 2 reasons, both of which occurred in a short period of time. A long term made man vouching that you lockpicked inside of our own hotel Carrying and waving a firearm, with a scratched serial number and while not holding a license, around our most active property First is obviously an issue and the second is blatantly against family rules, as well as just not being how we want/expect anyone in the faction to act. Especially at a property that is at times heavily observed by police, although I think that should go without saying considering you seem to understand the size of the faction. A large part of this life is keeping anything illegal that you do lowkey, out of the view of outsiders in order to prevent attention/heat being brought to the family. These 2 things in such a short period of time led to one of the Don's trusted making the decision to whack you out of the faction. Here is the agreement you accept whenever joining a faction, warning of what may come. Ultimately it just didn't work out and I wish you luck in whichever faction you end up staying in.
  2. Hey, i put the orders in for this. I was informed of this IC but was not aware he had died. However, it sounds like you killed him during the mugging after he complied, making it failmug. Which should as far as i'm aware, invalidates his death.
  3. honestly been to a few of the events these guys have done and enjoyed myself at all of them. would love to see them become a faction +1
  4. If im correct the ghetto's 4-8 apartments on the new map are going to be F2 buyable by anyone
  5. +1 for the torta slayer
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