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Everything posted by helpitburns

  1. +1 seems like a good dude seems remorseful ive talked to him a few times nice guy has manners
  2. +1 would walk thru hell and back for this man
  3. I'm tanner him tying me up was consensual and all fun he didn't take anything
  4. if they leave dons orders exist for stuff like that
  5. -1 we dont need more muggers de leon is enough
  6. I have examined the image and i found after zooming in that it did ricochet you can tell from the way the the impact is shaped so i personally think he hasnt cheated
  7. +1 What i know this man hes a good person never hacked a day in his life has denounced it and frankly theres no proof
  8. im sorry what? i did not know about any coup and i didnt leave out of free will
  9. Name of Character: Vincent Santoro SteamID: STEAM_0:1:579206874 Your Discord ID#: dschinghiskhan Date of PK: 6/11/2024 Reason for PK: N/A Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be un-PKed because I was in front of an NPC, so I couldn't be mugged. Additionally, I was AFK, so there could not have been any altercation. If this is because I got kicked out of the Bonnanos, it has been way longer than two weeks. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A
  10. +1 we need an irish faction as long as its realistic
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