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Everything posted by tlohman6

  1. So pretty much in my mind how the system would work, is say a player wanted to buy a baggie of Cocaine for personal use, they would go to the Cocaine NPC and the NPC wouldnt have an infinite amount, it would be however much baggies they have been sold so there would be a stock, and the processed drug would be a little more expensive than players sell it to the NPC for to make it realistic so the NPC is making "profit", and players would not be able to sell the baggies back to the NPC this may be a pretty stupid idea im just high asf and was thinking abt ut thanks love u guys
  2. "You know that fat cocksucker says I look like the Shah of Iran?"
  3. There is so much more properties, so much more room for RP, so much bigger, and plus the other side of the bridge could be New Jersey, and there could be a North Jersey mafia just like real life. Other than the fact that players would have to get used to it, I cant think of anything better about Southside. (Plus, it is made by the same person who made southside, so everything functions the same)
  4. Im not able to check my play time but last I checked, it was over 3 weeks lmfao my bad
  5. Name of Faction: Veterans Motorcycle Club Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 8 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Motorcycle Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): No specific ethnicity Name of Character running the faction: John Bregman Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): cantrellz Your SteamID: 76561199440804019 Your Server playtime: Not home right now but its above 3 weeks Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Unlike Sons of Silence, we would actually go out riding on motorcycles in numbers. We would not have many allies aside from some cartels Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): We would often go out riding to show numbers or "flag up". We would have street races, we would go bar hopping as a group. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): Growing up in New York City, young John Bregman was exposed to many things at an impressionable age. With his mother being an alcoholic and his father a criminal, he never had a stable home. He was in and out of group homes from his younger years. But by 15, he was living with his Father, Greg Bregman. Greg was not a great man, but a decent parent. John was a very mature and tough 15 year old which is attributed to the rough streets of NY he grew up in, so Greg brought John along on some not-so-great activities that he participated in. Greg was in a motorcycle gang called "The Widow-makers". John's father was the Vice President of the club, so he was very respected. Around the time John was 17, John was made a patched member after around a year and a half of doing favors for his Dad and friends and pulling scores. Things were going pretty good, until one night, John and some other members were going to a large drug deal with a local Cartel. Upon arrival, instead of meeting Mexicans with duffel bags filled with 25k each, they were met with FBI and DEA agents, guns drawn. 7 members were arrested that night including John, but one of them got off on a deal. It was never known to John who it was, but his fellow "brother" ratted on the entire club. Club President Rusty Duvall was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a sleuth of charges due to the information given which was pretty much a death sentence due to his old age. Greg was sentenced to 8 years for orchestrating the deal as well as violating his probation, and having an unregistered firearm. And for John, he was sentenced to 4 years, 1 year in Juvie and the other 3 in a prison. With almost half of the members in prison, the Widow-Maker MC had become defunct. Just 2 weeks before John was going to be transferred to an adult prison, he was struck a deal by the Head Warden. He was given the opportunity to get out of going to prison, under the condition he go fight in Vietnam for the Marines. He accepted the deal faster than the drop of a pen. He had a sense of confidence because he had been told that he would mostly be sitting around in a base waiting for something to happen, but boy was he wrong. He was put on the front lines of the jungle going on the offensive to attack the VC. After 2 grueling weeks of being under heavy fire in the armpit of the world, he finally had made a few buddies. One night, the platoon split up for a patrol. John was with four of his friends when they were met with the most feared scenario in the Jungle. They had hit a VC trap, and as fast as the trap was to catch them, was how fast the VC was to come swoop them up and bring them to a POW camp. John and his buddies spent 3 and a half weeks in near hell, being burnt by iron rods, having teeth pulled, being tortured, forced labor before they devised a plan. They had gotten sticks and sharpened them and then they pounced on a lone guard while he was having a smoke, and they stole his rifle. They soon had taken down a few more guards with the gun and before you knew it all 4 guys had guns of dead men. They were moving and shooting through the camp, and they finally escaped into the foggy jungle, even freeing a few other POWs in the act. They returned to their base all disgruntled, but they were soon taken care of and put into the infirmary. While being treated for their brutalized limbs and deep gashes, the commander of the base approached them all with medals. They were recognized as heroes. At this time, many soldiers were being recalled back to home gradually to withdraw from Vietnam, and due to their trauma and injuries, they all were apart of that group. The group vowed to stay in touch, and coincidentally, they all came from NY. When they returned home, they did not get the heroes return they expected, in fact the complete opposite. They were spit on, cursed out, people refused to serve them food. All 5 of the guys burned their uniforms and any memories of the war they had left. After coming back home, it is very hard for Veterans to find work. So, John resorted back to his old lifestyle. He started his own MC, and invited his former brother in arms to join him. Not only was it going to be a criminal organization, it was going to be a club for Veterans dealing with the same issues to be able to lean on eachother. Veterans MC was born. The boys were growing in name and size, and they began a Heroin trafficking racket. After their name had got out there, some of John's former friends from the Widow-Maker MC had reached out, and due to John's trust in them they were welcomed into the MC, and eventually, upon his release, Johns father was made apart of the Club as well as the VP of the club and Johns right hand man. The Veterans MC was fully up and running by 1980, and had pretty much merged with the Widow-maker MC, which was great because they older Widow-maker guys like his Father who served as great advisors, and young, strong, combat experienced men like John. John promised to himself, he would not let his club dissolve like Widow-makers, and that they would be a tight-knit brotherhood who would forever run the streets of NY.
  6. tlohman6

    My Flag Appeal

    Your Name: I dont have the char it was taken on, but main char is named John Bregman SteamID: 76561199440804019 Staff Member involved: Lomac What flags were blacklisted from you?: Pet Flags Reason for blacklist (if given): I was messing around with my physics gun and blew up a car Why should they be returned?: I dont think I should have them taken away over something that was not a long term issue. I do feel bad for the guy losing his gun, but that was solved in minutes, and my small mistake has been persistent for a few months now. I just want to use it so I can open a business and decorate it nicely and be able to be creative on this server. I understand if you were to deny this, but just please give me a chance
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