-1 I don't honestly mind the minge. However, as someone who wants to be a staff or be in a position of power in which you must monitor others, enforce and understand rules , one must have the maturity and level headedness to carry out those task. From all the encounters and even the most recent one of last week of this posting, I do not feel like this person has the maturity nor is going to be able to make judgements and decisions that isn't clouded by their feelings and emotions at all times. While I have had some decent RP encounters with this person, I cannot at this moment feel confidence in that he will be a fair staff who will take his duties seriously. Maturity is the biggest concern as you cannot let someone get to you and you shouldn't present a childish behavior if an outcome is not in your favor or perhaps if someone doesn't like you or you don't like them. Knowing how to talk (especially since most communication will be online via chat) with others and resolve issues or conflicts is very important.
Everyone does deserve a chance and from what others have said, It does seem like this person is changing for the better. Maybe with some monitoring, and training by other members on the staff team, this person could turn out to be a asset to the staff team. The community will throw all situations good, bad, or even out right cruel ones at you during your time as staff. It is how you go about handling these situations that will define you as someone who is beneficial or not. Best of luck to you!