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Fernadoshotdog last won the day on October 13 2024

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  1. Your Character or Steam Name: fernadoshotdog Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:701311443 Your Discord ID#: fernadoshotdog Reason for ban: I forgot it was awhile ago, but I think it was for spamming? Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology Why should you be unbanned? Hi, im fernado. Im making this appeal to be unbanned on the discords. I believe I was banned for spamming, but not completely sure. As my perma ban got lifted I wanted to appeal my discord ban so I could join factions. I am completely sorry for my actions as they were immature and childish. I would like the chance to change my rp a little and join a faction, but without the discord I cannot be hired. I hope in the future I will be able to join factions. in summary I would just like another shot at rping the "mafia" again. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Fernadoshotdog Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:701311443 STEAM_0:0:701399968 STEAM_0:1:838941225 Your Discord ID#: fernadoshotdog Reason for ban: Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): ?? Why should you be unbanned? Hi. Im making this appeal because my appeal got accepted and as i was joining the server I got banned for alt account. I provided all my steam ids above. i think this was a mistake. thanks again for unabnning me Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  3. look i know my actions were wrong, and I probably should've went more in depth, but I didn't and am sorry for that. If there is a next time Id do better to read rules, listen to the other persons boundaries that I've crossed. I have changed and want to prove that with this second chance; I believe if I were given this second chance my actions would speak louder than my words and you would see that I'm changed.
  4. Hi, to bring your point about criticism I was wrong to reply with a whole aggressive reply to mango, but the other reply about me paying 100 USD for som1 to snitch while I was banned. That reply was deserved in my opinion. To the point about me not seeming apologetic and sincere I am sincerely sorry for my actions, but if I were to immediately flip around and lie to everyone I would be a hypocrite, and people would see that I'm lying just by looking at any other responses I made. There is change for myself, I've learned to respect peoples decisions even if I don't agree to them. (this doesn't mean I wont reply to them and try to make them change their mind) I learned how annoying it was to minge, and learned to take accountability for my actions. I'm just really tired of this back and forth conversation that's happening, and maybe if i wasn't pissed off rn my reply would be different, but for now ima take a break from the internet hope this answered any questions you had. Then again thank you for overseeing my ban appeal and appreciate the time you have put into this appeal.
  5. This whole message screams to me that I'm going to be arguing with a brick wall. you already have a bias against me, and didn't take the time to actually analyze my apology as I assure you its sincere. All you did was call me a minge and not read the apology, and I'm not going to beg and grovel to get back in. What I am going to do is state how I knew I was in the wrong and accept responsibility for my actions. I believe begging and groveling might get me back in, but it shows no change for the admin overseeing the ban and they would likely deny it. Also can you explain what I didn't take responsibility in from this response of yours "if you can't fully take responsibility for everything." , because all my responses state that I take responsibility in them. Me responding "based" to you should be normal to you because I stated "silly little comments don't effect" me in a response above, and you calling me a minge is insulting me; so when I say something back you shouldn't be offended when you threw the initial insult. I also do not try to make peoples lives miserable, because in retrospect your playing a Gmod RP and everybody's life is miserable, but I'm in the same boat. The whole charade of how I have to be a perfect person, and cant throw a little insult back when you insult me shows how immature you have to be to instantly throw out a appeal because you got your feelings hurt. I'm just a little enraged by this, and if you think its offensive my goal wasn't trying to offend you. All in all I'm just trying to show the admin I have been reformed, and how I know my actions were bad and that im not justifying them, but taking responsibility for them.
  6. Based Hi, yeah I also dont know if you read my response because you call me a minge like I didnt address that I was a low quality player in my apology. Please read the whole thing because this doesnt make sense to post.
  7. Hi, yes the part where I say "I could use my money elsewhere ( OF, Robux, Spotify)." this was meant as a light joke comparing how useless I find it to spend money online. I do not actually play Roblox enough to where id spend money on it, and dont use spotify. To the OF part im assuming you know what it means (not trying to offend you), but if you dont its "onlyfans" and I do not actually use onlyfans it was a little joke to humour up my not so positive response to being accused of paying a person real money to snitch on a faction. Hope this clarifies my response, and then again thank you for taking time to consider my ban appeal.
  8. Hi, was attending to some family issues, but lets continue to this topic not to seem like a jack ass but what you are doing is posting libel content about me "-1 paid a guy 100 USD to snitch on a faction while banned" (unsatisfied) lol . Lets analyzes this First you provide no evidence. Second why the hell would I pay people to snitch on a faction when im banned I could use my money elsewhere ( OF, Robux, Spotify). I really dont think you know who I am, and if you do I believe you have a wrong perception of me. I really dont understand why you would think I payed som1 100 USD on a Gmod server; thats the biggest waste of money ever. I also dont see the point of you posting this it does not contribute to my ban at all. Please provide evidence next time; I am here not to argue but to get my ban appealed silly little comments like these do not bother me.
  9. Hi, I did attempt to alt on another account due to monaclu already saying I was going to get permad, but Then again that doesnt excuse my actions and instead should've went to the forums to make a proper excuse. I would just like another chance, and I can see that may be hard for you to believe because of my record. Im just really sorry for my actions, and would like another go. I understand your reasoning, and thank you for your time for looking over my ban appeal and taking the time to read it.
  10. Your Character or Steam Name: Fernadoshotdog Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:701311443 Your Discord ID#: fernadoshotdog Reason for ban: Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? Hi my name is Fernado some of you may know me. I am making a appeal for my ban. I would first like to say how sorry I am for my actions on diverge whether they effected you or not. Diverge was my first actual "RP SERVER" on gmod as I was new to the game. I really was a low quality player now that I reflect on my past, and now have some Knowledge as I have been roleplaying on other servers. I took advantage of Diverge, and therefore payed the price. All i am asking here is for a second chance. I was a low quality player and didnt care at the time, but I do now. I cannot say I have matured alot in 4 months, but what I can say is that I have reflected on my mistakes. I really didnt know how good I had it on diverge until I was banned; trying to find other servers that were stable and had good pop was difficult. I am now going to explain my ban, and how I should've conducted myself when getting banned. My ban for LTARP was very immature for me to leave over a silly little felony. My jailbreak and exploiting part of my ban was also very immature, as i was mad and didn't care to think about the consequences of my actions. I will now address my NITRP ban. I have looked at what Monaclu said about my first ban appeal, and really took the time to understand what Monaclu said about a low quality player. As deleting my own responses wont help my case im here to take responsibility for my actions. All in all I believe I have reformed myself into a better person, and would like a second chance on Diverge. I can understand if I am not allowed another chance on Diverge as my actions were terrible, but I believe I can provide a good RP experience to the Diverge community if I am allowed a second chance. Sorry for everything. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  11. Fuck you nigga ima alt lol hardware ip ban me this isnt my home ip or my main pc. have fun. ill be on server in a week or 2 when i come home.
  12. Your Character or Steam Name: Aiden Gomayai Your SteamID :76561198236325508 Your Discord ID#: fernadoshotdog Reason for ban: Nitrp/ltarp/exploit/jailbreak Length of ban: permant Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): im sorry for the jailbreak and exploit. but i would like to dispute the ltarp and nitrp. Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned but also still punished for the exploit and jailbreak i understand what i did was wrong, but the nitrp and the ltarp is completely wrong when the guy asked for my discord i gave it to him correctly fernadoshotdog. i also did not ltarp the whole experience until the admin told me i would be banned perma so that's when i left. can you call the ltarp when the admin is just putting in the stuff to ban me there was no roleplay there only ooc stuff so i left cause punishment was already being handed out. If u would like to see the recording i have it I cannot upload full clip cuase its 23 min long so please contact me on discord so we can arrange this. I also believe the ltarp also has no evidence provided because he was going off what the other guy said not what actually happened and made the assumption of me ltarping when i left after he told me i would be getting perma banned . All in all I'm sorry for my actions and would not like to be perma banned and will take any other punishment for this. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  13. Name of Character: Chung flee SteamID: 76561199362888615 Your Discord ID#: fernadoshotdog Date of PK: 5/2/2024 Reason for PK: "acting dumb" family pk The reason i should be unpked is because my pk was meta gamed by my pkers. they told me to go to hideout to learn how to sell guns on discord not ic then they used that message as a cover up so they could pk me. here is all the evidence. i also have a character report up with more detail but i thought i might as well go and try to get appealed
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