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Shards last won the day on August 2

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About Shards

  • Birthday 07/10/2006

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  1. +1 , talked with the leader , he has cool ideas on the future of the faction. ngl would love to see them implemented one day if i return. hope yall get accepted
  2. You just dont understand the Greatness of the S&P Update
  3. Make it so that you need to pee or take a shit periodically, or you'll wet or soil yourself, causing your clothes to stink. This adds to the role-play and can lead to police involvement if you do it in public. Additionally, being unclean will cause other players to mock or avoid you, encouraging you to take care of your character. Include hygiene items like spare clothes or cleaning wipes, and create scenarios where public indecency leads to fines, community service, or arrest, adding depth to the role-play experience. Pendred, let the community decide—just because you struggle with hygiene doesn't mean others can't manage it.
  4. Make it so that you need to pee or take a shit every now and then. If you don't, you'll end up wetting or soiling yourself, and your clothes will start to stink. This will be reflected in your description, showing that your clothes are soiled. This adds to the role-play, and if you take a shit on the ground or something similar, it will add to the police roleplay, as that would be considered a crime
  5. am fucking bored out of my mind, when are we warring boys.
  6. Regarding my judgment on the PK, it was clear: you were only shot after you put the Beretta pistol in your hand. I rewatched that clip many times, and considering that someone else was using your computer, it’s a complicated situation. My judgment on the PK was solely about the specific circumstances of the kill, which I believe was executed correctly. The issue of someone else using your computer is a separate matter, and you should discuss that with the super admins on this thread.
  7. The link is broken. I will DM you the reason why you were PKed since I cannot send it here.
  8. Shards

    Ban Appeal

    The judgment on this is up to the super and senior admins. The reason for the ban was because you disconnected after you were arrested. It’s kind of an open and shut case. If you truly crashed, I think the ban should be reverted, but that’s it.
  9. Shards

    Ban Appeal

    I have no idea about the beginning of your arrest, but I witnessed it. The reason why I banned you was a clear case of LTARP. He kept chasing you for a while, and only when he managed to tase you did you disconnect from the server. I took that as such. I only gave you 2 days since it's your first time, considering the other things that could have happened. Edit: Considering how the situation began, I would like to reduce the ban by 1 day. However, it's important to understand that you can't just alt f4 out of these situations. If there was no evidence to justify your arrest initially, you could pursue legal action. Please keep in mind the importance of staying in character
  10. Shards

    Unban me

    Banning admin here, You were banned because in both POV's of the clips I was provided with, the taser shot for less than a second while chasing a suspect was clearly unintentional. You were not only not being detained, arrested, or anything for that matter, but you were never being arrested for any sort of felony. You waited to shoot the officer when you knew you had a guarenteed chance at the kill. This is RDM because of the reasons as stated above. You have a large amount of PO's and seem to not understand not everything needs to end in violence
  11. Canadian is so funny
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