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Big Man

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Everything posted by Big Man

  1. i find it intriguing that you don't even attempt to deny the accusation I have made, and instead are opting for removal of me from the situation. i become involved when my close friends are affected negatively, as a friend I must help him succeed and shed light in his favor.
  2. I think bro needs to be un PKd, this seems unfair to him, after reviewing alot of evidence i have personally been given, it seems they where aiming for the PK, and were also likely meta-gaming. with ZERO communication they both seemed to acknowledge they had the right targets by just pulling up on the street. it also seemed like they knew exactly where to look, but i dont have enough evidence to prior situations, this is what it looks like. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtJMsW5hJbDBCGEsg/Y988tPpQkYJb?invite=cr-MSxnd1osMTk3MTkzNTEwLA The rules regarding mugging also state adequate time must be given and that multiple commands must first be issued, according to the rules multipl,e, hastily said commands dont work. the first "hands up" starts at 12 seconds and is constantly repeated, the mugger opens fire at 24 seconds, this is not enough reaction time to be fair, some people when something is repeated and yelled at them, tend to pause. and it is also a violation of the rule prior mentioned, which again requires multiple commands given, no? i would also like to remark that this is most certainly an invalid mug location. it is openly public, and nowhere near a discreet location to finish the mugging (you can only walk people up to twelve meters im fairly certain) at any second a passing-by driver could pass by and inform the police. or an officer themself could have happened by. this situation stinks of PK baiting.
  3. Big Man

    Box faction app

    You must not live in the part of the rural south that i do, where i come from, people would sell their property for a more grandiose life, i even brought up why they moved up north " decided to move to the New York countryside where they assumed there would be little to no competition when it came to dealing beef." i like to keep things vague; it allows for a stronger sense of diversity among anyone who wants to join in the future, being specific potentially alienates others who might not like a specific area of the south, its more of a preference to me than anything else, im aware of backstory implications but we all have reasons that seem to make no sense. and yes, there are small ranches in the east! Chatanooga is the HQ of Mayfield. and there can always be small ranches anywhere you go, dont matter where you live, you can always have a farm. that is what i learned from living in the south of the US, there are farms everywhere, from the moutains to the cities, and all in between. (i come from TN, and it is very diverse, but you will find a farm anywhere) it doesnt make sense for a ranch family that previously did just ranching to have wanted posters, no reason to be wanted. (thanks for the ranch idea i might work on that in my free time, it sounds interesting) the name actually comes from a segment of my family out west, im aware it doesnt really "pop out" but i always try to show some respects to my distant family where i can. TY for the pointers and explaining WHY you disapproved and not the rest of the people being like "nah this dont make sense"
  4. Big Man

    Box faction app

    Name of Faction: The Box Family No. of members: 5 (maybe more didn't get a whole lot of certain answers) Type of faction: Family Ethnicity: American name of character: Dalton Box discord: Bigmanlovessoviets SteamID: STEAM_0:0:605186273 Playtime: 3 weeks 1 day 1 hour 30 minutes (as of the application) Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): while the State of New York is very urban, not all cowboys did business in the countryside, some dealt with local businesses, as a group of cowboys operating in New York, we will express the rural appeal of the countryside while also handling business as needs done did. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): a popular pastime in the rural US is target practice, we could host target practice events and hold a few parties at a local bar. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): The Box family, was a smaller ranching family in the south, before they got pushed out by a bigger ranch, they decided to move to the New York countryside where they assumed they would be little to no competition when it came to dealing beef. After a while, they focused less on the cattle business, and more on other avenues for revenue. Realizing that there were more ways than one to make money to feed their wife and kids, the Box family got into a life of crime, dealing under the table with local mafias and other types. Due to the distance the family had to travel, they sold their ranch and moved into the main city, hoping to score it big in the underground. The family quickly lost all of their money on a bad poker match and had to start from the dirt up. No longer missing the South and its heat, the Box family decided to stay in New York, originally they were just going to buy back their old ranch, but they soon realized that crime did pay, so long as you were smart enough to get away with it. With their southern charm they often made it seem that they were but humble ranchers, local law enforcement believed they were a bunch of country bumpkins. The family didn't only do the crime, they also focused on spreading good old Southern values, they always upheld a sense of honesty, integrity, and friendliness. they often invited their friends in the underground to a night out drinking or a good Southern meal at home.
  5. +1 he may be a minority, and a little shit head, but he's a good RPer
  6. brother thinks hes cool
  7. im not involved at all but lowkey thats SUCH a terrible excuse like, bro coulda just been like "i was being a retard on the pornsites and got hacked" thats SIGNIFICANTLY more believable than "yeah the computer tech loaded up my GMOD and went on the server i told him too." if you wanted him to test shit for you, shouldve been there, if your story is somehow true, it was pretty dumb of you let him test without you being there. especially dumb that he responeded to your discord (thats gotta be an invasion of privacy or sum shit, which is likely illegal)
  8. +1 he would make a very good staff member, he is hard-working, and always ensures he does the right thing.
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