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Everything posted by Monte

  1. Buddy really tried to appeal this
  2. Monte

    PK Appeal

    You were Pk'd by dons orders bubs. You left the faction and haven't been in the city to face the consequences
  3. Monte

    Monte's Ban appeal

    My consequences are 2x worse than prior staff abuse cases. & I didn't even do anything that benefited me or my faction. Hop off the dick riding thanks?
  4. Monte

    Monte's Ban appeal

    I made homeboy mad as fuck the day prior. James and Boomroasted don't like me because I've called them both out on multiple occasions. Wasn't a report really. Just calling a weirdo out.
  5. Monte

    Monte's Ban appeal

    You have a private discord with blackmail against people with "power" in diverge. You are genuinely a strange individual
  6. Your Character or Steam Name: Monte Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:59491439 Your Discord ID#: Monte.0 Reason for ban: Staff Abuse Length of ban: 14 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): What I did was wrong, whether I knew IC already or not, I shouldn't have TP'd to a person on my staff char. I already lost my spot on the staff team & have been banned so far for a week. There has been worse cases of staff abuse with far less punishment. I was wrong & I know it. Why should you be unbanned? I have a faction to run. Trying to manage a faction through discord is not good for morale, feels fucking dumb and 99% OOC. I'm not saying dons shouldn't face consequences for breaking rules, however I can name other staff who have done much worse with literally half the ban. My ban was targeted without proper appeal & no one to listen. I believe my punishment is served & I should be welcomed back sooner rather than later. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  7. Rape list is crazy. Cheating is wild. Extensive PO's and a note for lying to staff. Wishing you luck!
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