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Jimmy Hoffa

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Posts posted by Jimmy Hoffa

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Max Justice

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:807272116

    Your Discord ID#: 1237933590545960992

    Reason for ban: All sorts of random shit combined.

    Length of ban: Forever

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

    Why should you be unbanned? Before I get berated with insults, I do not care. I'm sick of being treated with indifference because of my Reputation in the Server. I know i'm a Moron, a coward and a Loser. Call me whatever, because at the end of the day I do not care. I used to care, but now I don't. You're all fucking assholes that take every single chance possible to try to get me Banned. There was no sit or ANYTHING really. I just walked into the PD with a Hi-Fi and blasted music. 

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    • Dumb 4
  2. 18 minutes ago, Toast said:

    Use the template I've linked otherwise your appeal will just be denied. Also, as the person who took your PET flags, you propblocked someone in a bunch of props and then proceeded to mug them. This is not the first time you've had your PET flags taken. You've been given multiple notes regarding prop abuse from multiple members of staff and the fact that this is your second time having your PET flags taken, it really shows that you never learned your lesson the first time. Maybe try again in a few months as you've just recently come back from a permanent ban.


    I know, I got perma banned for that. I feel as if a second punishment will be unnecessary.


    Your Name: Timothy Address


    Staff Member involved: Toast


    SteamID STEAM_0:1:807272116


    What flags were blacklisted from you?: props


    Reason for blacklist (if given): prop abuse


    Why should they be returned?:  

    I just want to start this off with letting you know again, I am deeply sorry for my actions, but I thought when appealing and getting accepted that my perma-ban and my pet perms would be reinstated because I was already punished for my actions, there was really no point in un banning me if you were going to strip me of the features that makes the game good. I rather would have just been banned, than have them taken away and ruining the re-playability of the game

    • Dumb 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Seansx said:

    Are you sure you’re not a real cocaine addict??? This is very accurate to the real life effects of cocaine…

    I'm not a Cocaine addict, I do not do drugs.


    5 hours ago, Creambru said:

    cocaine in game already makes you run fast enough to never be caught, also we already have a drug that works with health increases (Q)

    Doesn't increase health

    • Disagree 1
  5. I don't know if this was added into the game already, but I think it'd be real cool if you experience effects such as your health being increased by a huge amount or being able to run fast. (I took inspiration from Scarface to write this, I am not a real Cocaine Addict)

  6. Your Character or Steam Name: I forgot

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:807272116

    Your Discord ID#: 1225207434768027720

    Reason for ban: LTARP + False Mugging

    Length of ban: Permanent.

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

    Why should you be unbanned? 
    I would like to start this off by just reiterating the fact that I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible actions. It was completely wrong of me for what I did to the members of this community.
    I have now realized the severity of my actions, honestly I was just joking around and I didn’t know it would be taken so seriously.
    I understand if your decision is to keep me banned considering my history and I would also like to say that I spent 40 dollars of my cash on this server.
    I am completely okay with your decision of banning me considering the servers hatred towards me if that’s what your plans for the future are for me again I understand.
    (Side note: I had a whole entire other appeal but decided that it was too shitty and corny, so I decided to shorten it and re-write it)

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  7. -1, Honestly, you deserved it. I remember you falsely banning me not too long ago. You're a horrible staff member, if anything. You're a Narcissist. 


    1 hour ago, Faith said:

    -1... shit should get extended, any one tryna protect him, fella admitted it was illegal himself! then after the child said no, "Imma make you that typa girl". absolute freak!




    That's fucking disgusting, sorry you had to deal with this shit.

  8. Your Character or Steam Name: Forgot, been a while.

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:807272116

    Your Discord ID#: 1225207434768027720

    Reason for ban: False Mugging.

    Length of ban: Permanent.

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

    Why should you be unbanned? Why should you consider unbanning me? I have no excuse for what i’ve done. I've been a terrible roleplayer in the Diverge Community for a while now. This server was one of the first multiplayer servers I ever played on, and I miss the times spent listening to the radio during police chases or selling illegal narcotics. This game has taught me a lot over the past four months I've been playing. I promise you, if you give me one singular chance, I will never break any of your rules again. Thank you for the experiences you've provided me on your server. Thank you.

    Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
  9. Your Character or Steam Name: Crazy Vinny

    Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:807272116

    Your Discord ID#: 1225207434768027720

    Reason for ban: Fail Mugging + LTARP

    Length of ban: Permanent

    Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute+Apology

    Why should you be unbanned? I have taken a month to reflect on my actions. I've come to the conclusion that the RP scenario was totally messed up. That was not right for me to mug that guy. When all this took place, I was extremely exhausted. I was not thinking correctly. When I led the man into my home, the walls were on Collision mode, in which I forgot to add collision. For the LTARP part, I was not even aware of what I was doing; I didn't know that it would be considered LTARP to leave right after the RP scenario took place. I waited until I exited the area until I left the server. I am very disgusted and embarrassed by what I have done, and hopefully, you guys find it in your heart to unban me. I promise, from now on, I will become a quality roleplayer, and I won't ever take part in Mingy activity.

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