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  1. Calm down buster. Your antisemitic beliefs are showin! Would be a shame if a jew embarrassed ya later!
  2. Could of course use some grammar improvements in the lore, but I think it has really good bones from what I've seen of them in-game. I also think nohardfeelings has overall been playing long enough and would do good as a leader of a faction. + 1
  3. I mean, restaurants and businesses sometimes do get investigated. But not for not being open...businesses aren't open 24/7. Usually there's something called "hours."
  4. You know SOS irl supports Nazism, right? Look up Sons of Silence, you see a dude wearing a Nazi Germany flag lmfao.
  5. +1 I'm in favor the faction. Has a lot of opportunities, and I believe they will be a good addition.
  6. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29H7Shl29NvfUA/d1337dMa67Cn?invite=cr-MSwwdHMsMTcyMDczMTkyLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29HitaFbMU2Z7q/d1337copvkej?invite=cr-MSxJM2wsMTYxMjcyMzgyLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29EXUHIlA5eZ_A/J5mpLp7lmZuX?invite=cr-MSxDZnIsMTkzNDIwMDAs?mobilebypass=true
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