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Everything posted by Rizano
-1 lil jew baby to british for me full racism #NutCrew
You are a shitstain on this server no one likes you no one respects you and you make legacy look like shit. #NutCrew
interesting how your friends comment on my post, but when mine do, you actually get stubborn. He does bring up great points. As an ex-metagamer myself, I can spot metagaming from miles away. You both pulled up, not a word; you both sit in the car. definitely saying, "It's Big Nuts, the most chill person in town," in your little Discord call. You then probably gave each other a little countdown because both of you got out of the car at the same time. And already knew what the plan was, so unless you're telepathic and pulled up on me and thought, "Hmmmm, let's mug these guys at the same time." It's obvious you were both in a call.
funny how your freinds comment on my shi but when mine do you gaf lmao
Rules are rules guy read em next time and don’t forget you are a literal child
Bringing up shit that has nothing to do with me cunt.
How would you have put me in the car if ya boy was dead and he owned the car it was fail mug the second he died what if I did put my hands up would you have dragged me to weed ally where there’s a Npc? Which is well over 12 meters and scince when do you get to chose if it’s a pk or not I’ve never got that option and no one’s ever got that option I feel like the only reason it was presented is cuz one of the muggers was an administrator.
Also this rule shows that this was fail mug. You may not mug in a public place, you can, however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around. EXAMPLE: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area.) - You may only pull them a reasonable distance. Forcing them to follow you / pulling the victim long distances or crossing into public areas / streets is illogical and can be seen as fail mug. Your secluded location should not be more than a dozen meters away, within a reasonable distance. I want both niggas involved to face the consequences
Yet you thought your character was dying was worth it. You were givin a chance to not pk anyone including yourself but chose to pk yourself and me. This shows that you my freind are bullshiting. And the “plan” was to pray I retaliated so you could murder me. Kind of like what I did to get perma banned but I guess it’s ok scince your a staff member.
so you pulled up because what you thought my clothes were fancy. and you wanted em or was it the fact that your don told you to. what was the motive? because there is no denying it was premeditated. im going to bed crazy how admins gotta mug me now.
i have my f1-f4 keys binded to my 123 and 4 keys Since now that I have seen the clip, it is very obvious they were in a call. They both got out at the same time without a word right after pulling up on us without looking around and telling each other at least a code word. which shows that this was planned to target me, so they could get me PKD, so this was never about mugging me; it was about murdering me, and they did it all inside of a VC.
Name of Character: Eddie "Big Nuts" Lizano SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Your Discord ID#: .rizo Date of PK: 1/12/ Reason for PK: mugged and shot Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated? Y You may not mug in a public place, you can, however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around. EXAMPLE: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area.) this whole secenario which is in the mugging rules is almost identical to my situation btw. Before I was being mugged by ix_crazy_xi and his friend, I was chilling with Banana Man, or better known as Whitey. We were walking down the tunnels towards the car dealership, and then these two pulled up in their car with their guns pulled out and then proceeded to say, “Put your hands up!” The funny thing is one of them died from their own car by either an explosion or some other thing. Right after this, I was shot by ix_crazy_xi, and he says it’s because “I didn’t put my hands up.” But I don't have a keyboard with F1-12 keys because it is only a 60% keyboard, so I just stood there and accepted the mug but was shot anyway. I didn’t move or make any aggressive actions towards him. This was crazy PK bait, and he knows it. This was not random and 100% targeted. I did not clip it because I believed, “No shot that ix_crazy_xi calls the ticket after his boy died." So I just got off. I get on tonight to find out I’m PKD. this also shows the same friend who died by his car came back to the spot to flick up. Steam Community :: Rizo this also shows the same friend who died by his car came back to the spot to flick up. https://imgur.com/a/514x98f
bro u got -67 reputation ur no one to talk about who would make a good staff member. i litterally have been perma banned and im still more like then you.
Your Name: Rizano SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Staff Member involved: Anzati What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet flags Reason for blacklist (cant remember exactly was high as fuck Why should they be returned?: I aknowledge that i fucked up what i did was put a ramp in the road at like 3am and i was so high i completeley forgot about it causing my flags to be removed ive now felt what its like to be one of the non donators and i do not like it my faction have been asking me to put dupes down and when i tell em ion got pet flags it is really depressing. i just miss it i know i have an extensive history of wrong doing but i just want to help out my faction and maybe make some new dupes < 3 love rizo
has a cowboy hat in his shi but disses cowboy rp?
+1 need cowboy rp immediatley
-1 known scince he was on atomic always broke rules and metagames quite often.
lowkey made some fire edible cookies last night shi was buss
You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the ban OR if the appeal is for a permanent ban. Replies that are not to do with the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban.
@KingJewMonacluawaiting your response paragraph< 3 1 month later Your Character or Steam Name: Rizo Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Your Discord ID#: .rizo Reason for ban: metagaming po x1 Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was wrongfully banned from diverge networks by monaclu for laughing at a joke inside of my freinds gc. Why should you be unbanned? On July 18 2024 I received these messages as seen in section 1 from diverge Super administrator monaclu. for context I was banned and pkd earlier in the week for metagaming. (running a middle command coup with alt chars to get my own crew) as I am waiting for my 30 day ban to end and playing Minecraft. I receive messages from monaclu telling me that I am now permantly banned from the server, as anyone else would be I was quite upset, one of my boys snitched and sent messages from the Rizano family gc to monaclu as seen in section 4. This GC, which was full of my boys that I have been playing on this server with for over a year. (The gc is around a year and 2 months old) So after monaclu sees messages from other members of the Rizanos trying to kill the same guy who snitched originally who got me and my right hand banned for 30 days. He decided the best choice was to ban me who had no involvement in any way shape or form. Now this is the second time in a week that he has banned me. I was completely unaware of any pk attempt after my 30 day ban, for I had taken a sabbatical from the gmoding and left another member in charge. I was completely in the dark until I receive monaclus message that I am perma banned, he pretty much banned me for being in the group chat that I created over a year ago telling me that I should have left or reported it. In truth I had 0 part in this second pk attempt and the reason I am currently permanently banned from diverge networks is because I laughed at a joke (typed Lmao) way before any of these plans were even concieved. as seen in section 4. I have broken zero rules and have not been able to play for over a month now I miss the game I hate monaclu for what he did, I've now wasted my summer not doing what I set out to do (get my own crew in a faction "The Rizano Crew") because monaclu pretty much felt like banning me. I was told to apologize which I'm not goin to do for I have done nothing that warrants an apology. extra shit: He may try to argue that I was typing LMAO in a pk group chat because the screenshots he was sent were cropped, but as seen in section 2 of my evidence you can clearly see that this is untruthful as it was in the Rizanos Group chat. made a staff report that no one could take because it was on a superadmin apparently infiltrating me and friends gc and Scowering to find any incriminating evidence against me (btw his evidence was me typing LMAO to a joke that was completely inside of the rule) Additional Information (images, videos, etc): section 1 monaclu went on to boast about permanently banning me and even blocked me at the end https://imgur.com/a/dxvchHt <----clearer image section 2 proof that i was not typing in any pk groupchat just the group chat that i made over a year ago for my freind group section 3 James completely ignores what I had to say after I wrote in my appeal that all I said was lmao and proceeded to deny me only considering what manacle said and keeping me peramed for literally laughing at a joke section 4 this is what was sent to monaclu and is his only "proof" / "reason" to permanently bannish me from diverge networks fuck monaclu
+1 loveley young man known him before he was big
So a couple things to say to your response 1. I planned and coordinated a pk no denying it but never made or used and alt char in any way 2. monaclu would you have pkd me if I was apart of any other faction maybe not the faction you literally created showing you have a bias in this entire situation 3. do not forget this staff member went out of his way to permaban me for being in a group chat with the high ranking Rizanos its LITTERALY CALLED THE RIZANOS FAMILY GC 4. in the reality of things monaclu should never had taken this ticket to ban or pk me he knew the victim very personally he had way to much bias towards the situation and I don't agree with how he handled any of it. 5. he went on to gloat in my dms about this perma ban also 6.hes denied my past pk appeal as well even though i was right in stating the guy was cheating for he was banned for it and i was unpkd this staff member is unprofessional, biased and outright just an asshole he shouldn't be allowed to take tickets regarding the Jews in any circumstance.
please have boomsroasted or canadian bacon take this i have past problems with the other two administrators Name of Character: Tiny "Teeny" Rizano SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Your Discord ID# .rizo Date of PK: 07/18/24 Reason for PK: ooc messages through discord Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: metagaming If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Good evening, staff members, regular players, and server owners. My name is Rizo, and Ive been playing on Diverge for almost 2 years now. Ive made tons of friends and have had the time of my life on this server. When I first started to play, my character's last name was Rizano, and it kind of just stuck. From that day forward, I continued my legacy, gaining many sons and grandchildren from those sons, all who worked with me in the underworld of these streets. My family expanded until I had about 15-20 rizanos roming the streets while we were at our peak in the Jews. Unfortunately, all great things must come to an end. My capo came to me at the time and told me if I pkd another capo, I would get his crew. At the time, I was desperate and had a lot of people relying on me to bring them up in this world. So I accepted, a week or two pass until my target gets on; the day that all this would take place, I was snitched on OOC to Monaclu by one of my most trusted sons. I accepted my ban for metagaming and PKD for metagaming. witch is entirely in monaclus rights as a staff member. {Your character can be PK'ed/bbanned by staff at their discretion if you break server rules, such as but not limited to: fail corruption, minging as a police officer, metagame/powergame, item transfer/character abuse, etc., but did I really metagame? The definition of metagamin is "Using Out of Character Information In-Character." This entire situation was out of character; no gun was pointed, no information was used, ic from OOC. This entire thing was through Discord messages, so tell me how this classifies as metagaming. Please list me the rule after I've gone through them at least a dozen times. Im not here to make apologizes, im here to state facts, and the fact is I got banned and PKD for talking in a Discord call and typing in a Discord chat that was not owned by Diverge and was never brought into character.
+1 i litteraly brought this player into the game and i love to see how far he has come