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Steam Tank DoomStack

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  1. I hope you use that 12 dollars for something useful, If a "freak loser" is making you insecure, I'm telling you to take a mature approach on things, passively defaming is not the mature approach.
  2. lol Most of the commission invited me to their factions after murder.inc disbanded, and the fact that I have grown ass adults still mad at me for leaving a alliance in a video game 2 months ago explains it all. The reason why you have 128 most of the day is because of the new map, which is exclusive to diverge and the fact that diverge is the only mafiarp server right now is one of the main reasons, feel free to prove me wrong when a really good mafiarp server comes out and flops based on low player count.
  3. Currently mafiarp is in a terrible state, all the older players left to play other games, the current playerbase seem to be lazy in terms of developing potential for new players and giving them a reason to keep playing this mode.
  4. This will never happen, I come to realize that, I hope you will be able to prove me wrong.
  5. This would break the economy, unless the value of the final product was reduced greatly.
  6. addition to fall damage suggestion, the heavier your character's inventory is the more damage you get on landing.
  7. The heavier the item is the slower you move, reduce slow movement by having higher strength attributes. 1. Makes strength a little bit more useful 2. Nerfs speed and people who have entire sets of firearms on their back.
  8. If what I am hearing is true I generally think that removing third person is a good thing, nerfs the no recoil exploit, if the dev are trying to balance the criminal pvp, then I think removing third person is a good start. I would suggest only allowing unequipped third person only, for example, as soon as you get your gun out your character automatically switches to first person and they have to hold c and toggle it back to third person after holstering their weapon.
  9. What Is the most overrated faction and the most underrated faction in all of mafiarp?
  10. Bonnanos screwed over murder.inc with some hotel scam back in march and was one of the main reasons why murder.inc was disbanded. Honestly they deserve their coups.
  11. +1 good people and faction story
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