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dijitle nick

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About dijitle nick

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  1. +1 Big bro just as good at Law as he is being a admin
  2. +1 Is confident and well off in his RP and knows the rules great guy even better boss
  3. +1 Great RP both lawyer and mafia
  4. I regret snitching yes do I deserve my char dead yes do i deserve a three weak ban no I dont think so
  5. Im being honest when i say the char wasnt made to just fuck with yall but one of the higher ups there i used to work with and I used my mic around him and knew i was dead i didnt snitch cause felt like i honestly wanted to keep my char alive when have I done this before if your talking about the odessa thing that was because they straight up wouldnt let me be a lawyer the entire reason of me having a non government char these were from me and monalcu talking about it I actually want to get back into the crim rp part of the city
  6. Kay the time you met me was the time I figured out i was a dead man so i was on edge
  7. dijitle nick

    ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Your SteamID : 76561199158685945 Your Discord ID#: DijitleMonk Reason for ban: FailRP POx2 | Powergame POx1 I was just told this by someone else that i was also banned for lying to UA Length of ban: 3 weeks Reason for appeal apology: apology Why should you be unbanned? Before making my char I talked to a admin and asked is it against the rules to make a alt discord and join a faction im blacklisted from they said no. So i made andy lost and joined the faction owning the Bella luna. After around 3 days I thought they figured out i was a alt and were plaing to pk me ( I was right and Andy lost was pked) i then went in and talked to a detective who told me they had a alt char in that faction. at that point i knew I was screwed later i went and talked to captain burns and told him everything. after everything i went back to my normal job. through out the time before me snitching i did drug deals and acted like a normal mafia member. I then was killed and few minutes after was talked to by rem the person who banned me. I honestly had no Idea that anything I was doing was against the rules again I apologies for it seeming like me just being a minge I have a popular judge char and I took the diverge rule quiz and scored well. thank you for your time. Also i was banned for lying to UA ima ssuming this is when i said i was in the faction for a week when i was only in it for 5 days and three days in is when i snitched Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  8. oh yeah I also have been in jail for the past two weeks so I didnt have a chance to disrespect someone
  9. also what was there evidence to the disrespect and what did i do that was disrespectful
  10. he was the one who told me to make the appeal
  11. as i said the Don said it was invalid THE DON OF TAKAHASHI
  12. define frequently and also you just followed orders how do you know the exact reason plus your first reason was french don orders me for leaving now its arrests lastly im a lawyer so yeah im seen at pd alot and yes i get searched when i enter that isnt a valid reason to pk me
  13. and i beat every case nor have i gotten a warning for such never lost a finger or anything PK is the LAST OPTION also im not a minge yes i get into some trouble but who doesnt im a popular lawyer in the city even beating the DA in a case last night
  14. can i see the official pk order
  15. The don himself said it was invalid and dons orders should be handled by the DON as said in the rules
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