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  1. In-Game Name(s): Martin Riggs, Giovanni Morello, Frana Nobheed Steam Name: Riggs Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198799125080/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419429676 Discord Username: Drunken2484 Age: 20 When did you first join the server: Around 3-4 years ago Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 92 days, 17 hours, 58 mins and 20 seconds Time Zone: UK - GMT How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: ill split my time around 50-50 as i only have one active character Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: Throughout my time playing on this server i have seen staff have immense responsibility and trust. I want to be a figure of betterment to the server and assist it in any way that i can. In addition to this i want to be able to assist new players into forming fair RP rather than running around aimlessly. Furthermore i want to assist players with swiftly dealt with tickets to avoid them from sitting around waiting on staff. Lastly i wish to help better the overall aroma, by this i want to ensure that everyone is being fair to one another and not targeting people or breaking rules Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I have numerous amount of experience on other servers and due to my almost four year period on the server i am well versed in the rules and due to previous situations i am able to use judgement given by previous higher ranking staff members to assist me in any decisions necessary. Additionally, i am well know within the community, some like me some hate me but overall they know i do not stand for any fooling around or put up with any shit. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): XYZ Police RP for around 1-2 years and other servers that have closed down around 2 years ago. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: i have been banned seven times on this server; one in 2022 for power game, one in 2023 for RDM, five in 2024 for RDM and again one in 2025 for RDM. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say that i am well known in the community but mainly as Martin Riggs, some players love to see me around and have a laugh whilst others come up and shout abuse due to me being a police officer or arresting there friend. Overall however i would like to say that i am preserved well within the community and have good relations with many people. When my character was starting out i was seen more as a mess around, couldnt care type of person but due to me growing up i have matured greatly subsequently meaning that i have straightened up my attitude. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: The many terrorism plots that have been busted. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Nubsniping ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Call a staff sit, just because i am a staff member doesn't mean that i can deal with him myself. I must go through the same steps as everyone else to get fair justice. If no staff members were online, i would make a forum report with evidence against the RDM'er You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Either A report it to a member of UA or staff leader, or B make a staff report on them. With both answers i would need sufficient evidence against the accused. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: Given the fact that it is my friend I would opt out of the ticket explaining in staff chat that i have potential bias in the situation, however if i must take the sit i will consult with a staff member of equal rank and higher to ensure that ANY punishment given out is correct and none-bias.
  2. We sort of have a witness protection programme, but if i tell you ill have to kill you
  3. Drunken

    Unban appeal

    Me reading the rules couldnt of been done in game with me on a roof?
  4. Drunken

    Unban appeal

    My past notes were months ago, banning me dosent solve any issue. Having me read over the issues in game would of been a better solution but no.
  5. Drunken

    Unban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Giovanni Deluca Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Your Discord ID#: Drunken2484 Reason for ban: RDM ,PO Length of ban: 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? During this sit, the handling admin was contradicting himself, stating that the reason that he was going to ban me was beacuse of a previous OBVISOUS accidently RDM on the 22nd (wasn't punished for it.) He then stated that i was being banned for 1 day to read over the rules and that it wasnt meant as a punishment, i replied saying that I could stay up here (the roof) and read over the rules in question. He then stated that i wouldnt read over them which i said i could screenshare me reading them. He then laughed, said no and said all the points i made was invalid. During the situation in question, someone was trying to enter my car, i gave them a clear order not to enter my car but they decided to try again anyway, this then lead to me shooting the person in question. The video dosent have the player's voice in it despite him talking and Jmoorsey was stating that he wasnt talking during the situation. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/?contentId=iLD484cefUDrv2RQ4&invite=cr-MSx0UlEsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA&spok=d1337cWlqiFS Accidental RDM situation: The man i accidently shot was in the Blue lambo
  6. Drunken


    Your bathroom schedule has nothing to do with u being PK'd
  7. Drunken

    Pk Appeal

    You shot an undercover Police officer, then pointed your gun at a Plain clothed officer. Fully valid PK
  8. +1 knew this guy for a good few years. He's a good guy
  9. As a RP'ing officers, i have to make split second decisions in the heat of a moment, i heard a lound bang, then the victim is stood there was a gun pointed towards a dead officers, x2 blown up cars and is pointing the gun at me. That's is more than enough reason to shoot him. He posed a valid threat to my life. Saying i didnt use any verbal commands is invalid as the victim didn't say he was helping the officer at any point during the interaction. As for my PO's i have been punished for them. I have been an RP'ing member of this community for over 2 years, and saying that i refuse to RP in stupid. From previous expereinces, if i was to roll up and i dont shoot i would of been instantly shot if he was the suspect in question. I had all reason to shoot the suspect.
  10. Your Character or Steam Name:Martin Riggs Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:419429676 Your Discord ID#: Drunken#2484 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So the clip shows that the victim in question points a gun at two officers, the man being thrown and me (whilst i arrived one scene). When i arrived on scene i saw the man with a pistol and then a bang went off which then lead to an explosion. Due to me thinking it was a gun shot and due to him pointing the gun at me from my POV i shot and killed the victim. The sit itself was ended by me not getting told what punishment i was getting nor did i get told whether i did do anything wrong, i was returned and then immediately banned for one week. Why should you be unbanned? Unfair ban and it was a miss communication of events if that makes sense . Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/28yEOQad_rIW_z/wDlIwYWRRxI3?invite=cr-MSw4OGcsNjA4OTYyNDIs?mobilebypass=true
  11. -1 IRA was a thing and was taken done, it is basically the IRA
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