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  1. drm009

    Ban appeal

    This man intentiolly was harassing me and when i kill him i get banned??? Also How come there can be people with mutliple perm bans and get accepted but in this one scenario im getting fucked over because admins are prejudice. also in the clip i stabbed him for talking to the police?? is that not only a justifiable murder but a pk aswell and i didnt even kill him.
  2. drm009

    Ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name:Bread Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198799680207 Your Discord ID#:b.2312 Reason for ban:RDM Length of ban: perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Unfair ban Why should you be unbanned? So ive been planning this day ever since I was banned in april and I believe its high time i should be unbanned the prejudce used against me in that sit was ungodly. Yes my po's are very exstensive but on the other hand it was 2 years ago almost 3. And the rdm was false i was only banned becuase of my po's from 2022 as the other person who comitted "RDM" was let of with a verbal note. The scene wasnt even rdm the man was verbally harassing us and we told him to leave 5 times before we opened fire (I didnt even kill him btw) Yes I believe that all my bans in the past were justifiable but this was straight up wrong I feel as if i should be given the second chance and perphaps the godly hands of canadian bacon shall show mercy on me.
  3. drm009

    Ban appeal

    Canadian bacon needs to realize that that is just unfair because I know first hand that there have been people with more then 3 perm bans that have been unbanned so for him to re extend my ban for something that had roleplay reason behind it is just silly. in the medal clip you sent me there was no murder committed yes by the time he found me at city hall he was antagonizing me to commit murder putting his clothes on and saying "Remember me pussy." this whole ordeal seems very one sided with the fact that I'm being judged for the decisions I made At 13 years old on a game 2 years ago that I did not care about while remembering that you cant walk on the sidewalk without being vdmed and loosing all your shit because the driver purposely veered off into a crowd because they think its funny and get of scott free
  4. drm009

    Ban appeal

    Lester Partio Steam ID:76561198799680207 Discord:b.2312 Reason for ban: extensive Po's RDM length of ban permanent Appeal: I agree what I did was against the rules and that I should not have killed the man but If you take into account that the man who I killed was not actually RDM and I had past violent Interactions with you will see that this was a false ban and that I was trapped into RDM . After I had gotten into a altercation with the man he decided to come back around to city hall and antagonize me leading for me to kill him might I add that the sit was very one sided in this situation. I believe quite frankly that this is just foolish and that I should not be permanently banned Canadian bacon might not see it this way but this is a unjust ban and I committed no such crime
  5. drm009

    Ban appeal

    i did not know that sir im sorry
  6. drm009

    Ban appeal

    my friend needed me to hold onto it because he had no room in his item bank???
  7. drm009

    Ban appeal

    steam name :drm009 Discord: b.2312 Steam ID:76561198799680207 Reason for ban: Item transfer??? Length: 5 days??? Reason for appeal: I believe this was a mistake because I have not transferred any items from the time I have been Banned. I do not understand why I have been banned and I know it has not been that long but I am genuinely confused by this? Im not sure why Mr. Vanhorn banned me I know there are drugs in my item bank but that is from me pick locking a car and taking the contents from the trunk. This is very time sensitive because I have roleplay scenarios going on currently so please get back to me soon.
  8. Steam name drm009 Steam id 76561198799680207 Discord ID: b.2312 Reason for Ban: Mass ARDM and Po's. Length:perm Reason for appeal : I have learned my lesson and will not do it again I have been banned for two whole years now and frankly I think everyone deserves a second chance. I would also like for you to take in account the faction i was in "KTS" Told me to commit the bannable offenses I did and I believe it was unfair. Though while analyzing my choices while I played I realize how much roleplay I prevented and I am deeply sorry for it and i will do no such thing coming forward. Sincerely Jonah "Smokey" Benitez Additional Information: NONE.
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