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Everything posted by qkrs

  1. If that was the case wouldn't that be the playerbase not the date thats the problem? How would this solve anything lol
  2. qkrs

    Character PK Appeal

    They said theres "someone" that hasnt been on in a week, never mentioned manager and I didn't call them a dumbass, I just said im not going out of my way to find them. Don't remember arguing over F3? I just don't know every person that approaches me asking who I am in public. Never told the French im going to war them, you're making random things up. Calling me a troll minge for what you listed is hilarious considering people in your faction are running around calling each other f*ggots and n***ers constantly while shooting random things, but hey do what you want bud I just wanted an actual reason for the PK. The way you replied to this shows your immaturity more than anything so I'm actually kinda glad I got out of your group LOL, also you still didn't explain why you PKed the other guy that did none of the stuff you listed...
  3. qkrs

    Character PK Appeal

    So because I mentioned C and H in a public area that warrants an instant PK? I thought a one-time incident is not valid for PK according to the faction PK rules? Someone from that faction messaged me about that OOC on discord and started insulting me but whatever. Could you tell me what exactly we did that was "mingey"? that seems like an OOC issue not an IC issue. Also how does me talking about drugs equate to someone else that wasnt even there getting PKed? I also dont understand why we have server rules about PKing if you're saying people can PK their own faction members whenever they want.
  4. Name of Character: Billy Kibbler SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56472654 Your Discord ID#: qkrs Date of PK: 06/04/2024 Reason for PK: Wasn't given a reason so idk Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Well I was never given a proper reason but the only 2 reasons for me and my friends PK I can think of are 1. Me disrespecting someone in the faction which isnt reason enough for PK - "The person in question, must have repeatedly done something to directly harm you, the family, or another member of the family. Unwarranted Harm in a financial (+7,500$) or repeated physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespect is not a reason to kill someone." 2. Leaving another faction without asking permission (I told the faction leader before leaving but even if I didnt, I was an associate in the previous faction so I cant be PKed for leaving the faction since im not made man+ - "If they have left the gang/family without approval from the leader, while holding the position of made man+ (or appropriate equivalent), they may be subject to a PK. Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little." If another reason is given in this post i'll happily dispute it or accept it if its valid, but I also want to know the reasoning behind PKing my friends character simply for having the same last name as me? He wasnt even involved in any disrespect from what i've seen and was barely even in the server for a few days. Also should mention the only reason I was still on the server late enough to get PKed was because I was told OOC and IC that I'm getting promoted so I agreed to stay up longer for it.... If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Maybe the staff member that oversaw the PK can send a screenshot of the "reason" that was given for the PK for context, but other than that I cant think of any evidence I would need to provide.
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