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  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Ben118 Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:445618132 Your Discord ID#: grant118 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? While doing the package event I came across two guys in the pimp outfit stealing a package, before I could do anything more of them arrived. I hear one of them using the radio asking where they were at, meaning that they had back up on its way. I then start following and eventually overtaking the group. When doing so you see more of them join the group, from Little Italy. As they go into the ghetto alley, I open fire, quickly realise the tec-9 needs an attachment to autofire and fall back to do so. When I redo my gun, I see another one in his group come up around the corner, before he can get the drop on me, I drop him. I then go round the corner and get gunned down by his guys. I’m appealing for the simple reason that we have been told we can shoot those in groups protecting the package. “If you reasonably believe the people around a package carrier are acting as their bodyguards you may engage them as well. (Communicating and coordinating, traveling together, you witness them defend the package carrier, they are all repping the same faction colours)” He clearly joins the group from Little Italy He is in the same outfit the group has been using to identify itself In the clip he provided, you can see that readies himself to kill me but hesitates. After engaging in a gunfight with his faction, and he loops round behind me, I am under the reasonable impression he is coming up on me to get the drop. You have to ask yourself, if I was not to kill him and turn my back, and he then killed me, would that be RDM? Or would he be protecting his package? The man was very obviously affiliated with that group, ICly confirmed by prior points, and OOCly confirmed in his clip. My character knew he was with them, why would he let him run up on his flank, while fighting the guy he killed faction members? I will admit I have played this server for far too long, since launch day, in that time I do not have a single ban. For whatever that is worth, I think that does enough to show I don’t just go around RDMing, and understand when and when not to shoot someone. I was unable to explain this as I was banned randomly after the shootout was long over with no sit. I do understand that staff was thin so that may not have been possible however, and they did just go off the video. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): My POV: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPGJvptTmLR6olRBj?invite=cr-MSxOdkcsMTAzNzMzNzgs You can see in this that the guy is obviously with the group and preparing to sneak up on me. His POV: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPFW67sf4soOeWEG9?invite=cr-MSxIMFIsMjUyNzkxMjE3LA You can see in this that the guy is waiting to shoot, communicating with his faction. If I did not shoot him, he could jump and kill me in order to protect his faction. Something you can see him bracing for. You can see the band of merry men in pimp outfits The guy I killed Poor quality images sure, but evident that they was "all repping the same faction colours" Thanks, Grant
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