Your Character or Steam Name:Animator805
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):
Your Discord ID#:789751536829333505
Reason for ban:RDM | Fail Mug
Length of ban:5 days
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):first and foremost, I want to apologize for my actions as far as far as the RDM I knew it was wrong and I knew there were a possibility of repercussions, but in a span of a moment, I made a poor choice, and as for the fail mug, I was not aware you cannot do it in certain areas, but that is still my fault for not reading the correct forums in regards to those actions I committed. and I want to apologize to the administrator that took my case for not taking the situation more seriously I am typically a very serious role player who let just a little too loose. I hope that this being my first offense I can have a little bit of leniency if not, I do understand and I will see you when the band time comes up again my apologies and thank you for your guises hard work.
Why should you be unbanned?
this being my first offense I hope you guys believe when I say I will learn from it and I do apologize for it.
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