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Everything posted by HouseFire

  1. "You were mature enough to understand when I elaborated to you" In the sit I was "mature" and didn't fight at all since I had no idea what had really happened and couldn't explain (as the offense was 2 months prior.) But afterwards I had spoken to SlugTrail and we were able to figure out what had happened (as he has pictures from the photoshoot). "you gave that same chain to him in 3 minutes." I had forgotten to drop him the chain (I believe I also forgot to drop two suit pants, I also believe this is the cause of the transfer) as we were taking pictures of a number of items. "A photoshoot does not take 6 days on the logs, he gave the item to Thomas on the 1st of January and went back and forth quite a bit" This was because SlugTrail was unaware of the transfer at the time and was redoing the pictures for his catalog.
  2. Name of Character: Dennis "Cent" Bergulio SteamID: 76561199188285153 Your Discord ID#: iwantsleep1 Date of PK: March 8th 2025 Reason for PK: Item transfer middleman Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I don't feel that this is really fair as the whole thing had been a mistake. When the transfer happened I had been acting as a model for SlugTrail, but while modeling I had forgotten to give one item back to the correct character (he had another character in which he wanted to sell some items on) so when I gave it back to him I gave it back to the wrong character with neither one of us noticing. You can see in the logs that he is dropping a number of items in which I pick up, equip, he takes a picture, I unequip, and then drop, with some of the items being owned by his other character. I don't have any notes or past offenses and I would not have done this knowingly. It was certainly an accident on my end and I believe it was also an accident on SlugTrails part as it's understandable how he could've gone one out of the probably 30-40+ clothing items we were messing with. No PK rule was violated I just believe a PK is unfair as the rule break was accidental, a ban I believe is justifiable as I did break the rules even if not intentional but I feel a PK isn't for the same reason. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I do not
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