Your Character or Steam Name: Vincenzo Castellino
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:70969506
Your Discord ID#: shock6225
Reason for ban: RDM
Length of ban: 24 HRs
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): The guy returned before it would be considered a new situation and baited me into RDMing. The first time that I had warned him to leave, which he did with by being hit, not shot. He was a low level user that was baiting me into killing him. And he would then make a ticket to get me banned. Even in the ticket, he was giddy to get me banned as quick as he could. It was clear bait, especially after his friend tried to kill me, which I defended myself from.
If anything, had I tried without a gun to tell him to leave again, which I myself and others already had multiple times, his friend would have pulled a gun and killed me regardless.
Why should you be unbanned?
I was defending my property from a guy who was vandalizing and baiting me into trying to kill. It was not a new scenario; he came back sooner than the time needed. In the sit, the staff member tried to say that my faction had been warned multiple times already. And:
A) I tried to confirm this with other people in the faction, and not a single one of them had been warned that killing people for breaking windows was RDM.
B) I myself hadn't been informed of that information, yet was punished with a 24 HR ban regardless.
I am attempting to roleplay, yet the restaurant is constantly being harassed by minges and people with no intent to roleplay. And it's really annoying.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I have a clip of what occurred, I'll post it here in the form.