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Fima Yaroslav

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Everything posted by Fima Yaroslav

  1. oh shit on god damn ill take the ban then thats fair my fault
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Dong "佛系男" Qian Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561199246997376 Your Discord ID#:Sushiyama Reason for ban:item transfer Length of ban:12hr Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):i do not know who i item transferred with but it was not intentional and i will give back whatever item/items it was so i apologize genuinely my mistake completely unintentional but i am more than willing to reverse it Why should you be unbanned? id like to fix my mistake if possible Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  3. the first 3 seconds of the convo i said i had a hit on you so i had to do it then i said my bad to her i thought i was allowed to do hits that was an apology in my mind i just simply explained that i thought it was allowed so maybe that made it seem like i didnt care but thats not the case but whatever i guess big dog
  4. lmao what i said i had to do it in the first 3 seconds then agreed with you to read the rules and said my bad how is that not considered remorse for what i did
  5. ``` Your Character or Steam Name: Fima Yaroslav Your SteamID: 76561199246997376 Your Discord ID#:Sushiyama Reason for ban: rdm Length of ban:12 hours Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): he said it was a 6 hour ban and then banned me for 12 hours Why should you be unbanned? i think the ban was semi fair but he lied about the time so id like it to be reduced to the 6 hours like he said it was and since it was my first real offense since the other one was in self defense Additional Information (images, videos, etc):```
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