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About Micky2DEvito

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  1. i dont see it can be, plus it add another expect of roleplay
  2. new york once had it wear the gas station worker fill your car up but they change it in the up coming years, it could be another step for new people to do for factions or civil jobs. cant say everyone would do it. i know if this was in the city this would be more reason for player to visit and interact with other player for rp, and maybe a other player hub like city hall and casino.
  3. make it where if you drive long enough if you have your car out that long it you could fill out you car, lets say for car chases or stuff like that if you have to drive for a long time you should run out of gas that should take up to 20 min of driving i tested it and it not that bad tbh just give more of a driving rp for the people who like to drive around alot.
  4. add more rp to the city has the gas station worker fill up your car at whatever dollars at the gallon. This could bring just a little bit of realisms to the server and could be use to do gas station scams or have the best gas in the city. and maybe working car lights and blinkers would be cool too. Add me roleplay for cops and keeps the people of new York city on there toes. either or, this would be a good addition to the city, instead of the running of red lights and stops signs. bring more use to the gas station and maybe could add new station around the city's. Of course you would have to pay the taxes and the proper documents' for the gas station pump.
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: Anthony Soprano Your SteamID : 76561199156412313 Your Discord ID#: mickydevito Reason for ban: Middleman / Metagame | POx2 / POx2 Length of ban: 1 month Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am sorry for breaking the rules. I didn't know if you let someone try on a suit they wanna buy then they tell me a family member is gonna buy it instead of that char. I have now look over the rules and now understand that metagaming and middleman wont be doing that again. Why should you be unbanned? I bring good roleplay into the server and enjoy doing it. I understand the importance of maintaining a respectful and enjoyable roleplay atmosphere. I will make sure my action reflect that commitment. During my time on the server, i have enjoyed engaging in the immersive roleplay with other adding to the storyline for the city. I would love the opportunity to continue to be part and participating and contributing great roleplay and positively to the community. I genuinely look forward to rejoining the server and being a part of the fun and engaging roleplay once again. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  6. more civi job for more of a realistic type of jobs like garbage man, factory workers, more legal civi own jobs stuff like that
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