Name of Character: Frank watermelon
Your Discord ID#:acid69
Date of PK:1/30/2025
Reason for PK: Punch Minge / Lying To Staff / RDM /NITRP
Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be unbanned because I did not mean to kill that guy I was just role playing and killing people with friends because we were RPing I don't have a video about us killing him but we have a video of us in sit with the guy and the mod wasn't listening to us and letting us explain and the guy in there was calling us negros which is highly offensive and not cool but we get banned for roleplaying but he doesn't get anything for being a racist but I wont kill people anymore until they punch me first and I will make sure to record it just incase something like this happens again
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: