Name of Character: Tommy Luciano
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43717080
Your Discord ID#: 329254222463893514
Date of PK: 1/21/2025
Reason for PK: Unsure, but I was brought into the family's office after I was punching my friend for a bet that we made that he didn't pay, I also had an incident with one of the daughters (Tollia) when I accidentally knocked her out with my car when she was in the middle of the road and my game dropped from 60 to 15 frames. I couldn't control my car and repeatedly apologized for not being able to control my vehicle.
Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Not sure, I read through all the rules and I'm not sure which one I may have broken in order for my character to be PK'd. I'm thinking the reason could be that me and my friend (Dandy Cral) were fighting on the sidewalk after he broke our bet. It was just friendly banter but It didn't seem to a huge deal as I was removed from the faction on good terms and I obeyed their requests as I left their restaurant.