Your Character or Steam Name:
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199634477157
Your Discord ID#:1153886742533898351
Reason for ban:being a stinky little item transferer ( item transfer, and a couple things related to it)
Length of ban: 14 long hard years (14 days)
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Biggggg sorrys in chat Mr. Bacon, I promise I won't do it again, big lack of judgement, really sad, and just went in halfsies on a bulletproof vest. please gimmie a lil leniency and maybe the same for my friend. also ill only fuck with Canadian maple syrup moving forward.(On a serious note, I really am sorry that I did what I did, as is Alejandro. We knew that it was likely not okay to do and we did it anyways. I can assure you that I will not be partaking in such activities again, I am concerned how this will reflect on my character's character, and 14 days is a long LOA for an IAB officer.. I would really appreciate a shorter ban, and i would be extremely grateful if you could lift the ban entirely. As previously mentioned, i am going in 50% on a custom clothing item as of yesterday and i plan on getting my own custom suit after seeing how our first "investment" goes. I had in mind a nice, crushed velvet tom ford style suit in burgundy or a very deep purple)
Why should you be unbanned? because I was a little stinker and I'm big sorry, and I won't do it anymore( because I'm genuinely a good player other than this mistake, i have 5 chars and I'm extremely active on all of them. Again, extremely sorry to bacon, pen, and any other admins involved. You guys and a bunch of other people work so damn hard to make this game what it is, and I cheated, what I did effectively was take away from the server itself and for that I am very sorry. I didn't think of the actual impact of my actions until today. This game is the only thing that I have enjoyed doing for myself in so long, I've been battling depression and going through a divorce(shes taking the house and the good car...) I've made friends that I will likely be friends with for the rest of time, please, I hate to say it like this but, I'm begging that you unban me)
Additional Information (images, videos, etc) Last addition is that I have no prior offenses, for what that's worth. and WW2 rp is dog water, just tried it for the first time and it just made me sad. Not even joking, whatever darkrp mutiny its somehow worse than WW2 rp, mexican border is between both servers but the third screenshot says all you need to know about that one 0/10. I would recommend people playing these other servers to really get a perspective of how good we've got it over here.