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  1. Make people who refer to pressing a key as flexing a muscle KOS to anybody in hearing range
  2. +1 but would have to be doable performance wise
  3. +1 Definitely think you should be able to take whatever the person had on their body at time of death.
  4. +1 as someone who has a mic but types all the time, sometimes you can be completely ignored if someone isn't looking at chat in a group of people.
  5. +1 I like the death animations but I think a better option could be available for gun movements. At the moment when you crouch with a gun out, on your screen you're an inch from the floor and for everyone else you remain almost the same height.
  6. I see both sides of this, you should obviously make your character how you want them for the long-run but I myself have picked a head I liked just to find out I can never wear a cool hat because they're not compatible. +1 on this idea
  7. Again, are you involved in this PK somehow? I feel like a lot of PKs get denied from people who have no idea of the situation commenting on posts discrediting what the person appealing is trying to say. I actually have been warned for commenting on forums posts that didn't involve me but for some reason both of my PK appeals have random posts in them. I really am trying to not be an ass this time around but it really seems sometimes like members in Italian factions can get away with anything whether it be in-game or on the forums.
  8. Standing in the road and being run over are synonymous. If you can kill a hangaround for bad driving even though they have no knowledge of any criminal activity I would be very surprised. As far as causing trouble with allies, I don't think that what I do on another character that I never told either faction about should effect my other character's PK. I never brought any heat to the family as everything I did was after being removed from the company pager as well as I was never informed of any family/criminal organization, as far as I knew, I worked as a bouncer at the Trattoria. Thank you for your competent response and I hope to see both of these PKs overturned.
  9. Could you name your part in the PK? Also those charges were last night by a probie who got me for defending myself. Didn't take place on any company property either. (This also all happened after I was metagamed out of the Cassano discord)
  10. Name of Character: Francis Pastore SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64159305 Your Discord ID#: 328670335778160640 Date of PK: 02/02/25 Reason for PK: Metagamed from other faction Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was only playing this character to help prove that the Italian factions were metagaming me. I never touched anything illegal on this character or any of the rackets besides oil. I have only spent a few hours on this character and would have no reason to be PKed. I was a hangaround and was removed from the Cassano discord after being PKed by the Altoviti faction yesterday. I had not told Altoviti about my Cassano character and they should in no way be connected other than through meta-gaming. I had no in character knowledge of any criminal activity during my time working at Cassano so they would have no reason to treat me as more than a employee and fire me. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
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