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About Jewjitsoup

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  1. Bro have fun with your underage children server. "Admins" that make mugging characters and rob new people that didn't understand the rules. You guys are going to be the same reason the server dies out in the future. It's not a threat either. There are far more better severs and admins that see both sides of a situation. You guys just pick and choose who you want to be unpkd or not. Depending on if you "know them" corny behavior. I could have easily pk'd so many of your "players" but hey I'm not a fucking minge like most of the people. I'm so glad I didn't donate to y'all I almost did too.
  2. I was at the clothing store There was a guy that saw me get shot.
  3. I understand. I just genuinely didn't know I couldn't just walk away. I mean it's fine. I probably won't come back though. But before I go. I just gotta ask. Why do you allow underage children to be in the server. That was a child that killed me. I walked away because I didn't take him seriously. Because he's a child. Lol I'm just saying. That alone will ruin a server. But Hey it was fun though I guess. I met some decent people. Edit* Shout out to "vic damone" and "Lou" at the lobster. Y'all was the coolest ones.
  4. More like baiting. The kid isn't even good at mugging for God sakes lol
  5. Name of Character: Eddy Salvador Date of PK: 1/13/2025 Reason for PK: I was selling a suit. Then the kid pulled a gun out said don't move I literally left laughing and he killed me. Admin pulled me a few minutes later. Said it's considered a pk. He was cool though. Said to just appeal it. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Listen I'm very new to this server. And I'm still learning. I just sell suits. I'm confused that's all. Note: Thanks for your consideration. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
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