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Associate (3/14)

  • -1 Not Enough Playtime
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  1. -1 I've seen you a lot around the city, and all I've seen you do is peddle your pins and astronaut suit in exchange for "donations." You haven't created any roleplay at all, and only seem interested in lining your own pockets. Your application is extremely lazy, and it seems like you've counted everyone who's bought one of your pins as a supporter. From personal experience, you seem uninterested in talking with anyone if the conversation isn't you trying to sell them on one of your items, and I don't think you'd create much worthwhile roleplay even if you were accepted. There are just no systems on this server to support what you want to do.
  2. Lemon

    Legacy Enterprise

    -1 Having AI write your faction app for you is pretty insulting to all the people who have taken the time and put in the effort to create something original.
  3. +1 Would be cool to see medical rp come back. Could potentially breathe some much needed life into legal rp
  4. +1 - Good application, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what this organization can bring to legal rp on the server. Basel knows his shit and has the experience needed to run a faction. We're so sorely lacking in interesting legal rp, and this could be part of the solution. Easiest +1 I've given recently, good luck to you my man
  5. +1 - Good backstory, good app, we could use more interesting roleplay
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