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Jim Bob

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  1. Jim Bob

    Char Appeals

    I was in a sit for an RDM and I got my reimbursement then I got taken back to where I was and I had my gun out cause I just got it back then a cop was like oh shoot this guy has a weapon out I need back up then proceeds to chase me than shoots me with a shotgun than I make a ticket to try and get my stuff back nobody responded so I took it to the discord than I got off cause nobody was responding so then I loaded back in then I was sitting in the main menu waiting for someone to react than after sitting in the menu for 10 minutes I get a text from one of my buddy that I got PK'D by the same cop that shot me and made me lose my gun the first time I don't really have any clips but I have clips previously from me sitting in the menu and I got the message
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