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Everything posted by alaq

  1. alaq

    Perm ban appeal

    Hey man thanks for replying, could you get the banning admin to like post here or dm me on discord my # is alaq and explain how exactly I metagamed and powergamed because this was a few months ago and I just don't generally remember. The last moments I remember is the day of the ban I was on my char who I use as a private investigator and try find out info about people like that faction they're from and stuff. Idk if I might of used some metagame in that. Thanks for the reply
  2. alaq

    Perm ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: alaq Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:188492965 Your Discord ID#: alaq Reason for ban: Metagaming & Powergaming | RDM | POs Length of ban: permeant Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned?: I dont know how long ago or why I was banned but im here to apologise. Recently I have been getting bored of other games and wanted to try out mafiarp again. However both my accounts are banned, this one seems to have been banned first. Now I just want to say, I don't know how I committed any of these rule breaks. I dont remember much and I was banned when I wasn't even on the server so I didnt know about the ban so when I tried connecting with my other account that account was banned and now both are permeantly banned. I was on the server for a bit on this account, (i use 2 accounts so i can fit more characters) and I never received an admin sit or any reason or message on why I was banned. Even though my discord id is the same as my steam and i'm in the discord. To whoever is in charge of perm ban appeals, I would like to be unbanned so I can play this server again as i've been playing it on and off for about 1 or 2 years. I think my first connect on my other account was in 2023. I had fun being in the cartel v italian war and made great memories and friends from this server. Even being a capo at one point which was fun and I really like the legal aspects of this server. Its not just get caught, get sentenced. You have rights, so much roleplay is involved and I love it and would like to experience it again. So I apologise for attempting to join on my other account but I didn't even know I was banned on this one. Anyways thank you and hope you had a good christmas. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
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