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  1. the craziest part is that the person went in with his suit and willingly because we set this up as a drugdeal from rumour. we removed his clothes when he was in restrains. furhtermore the black character was hiding in the bathroom and came out with a gun to rob him....
  2. i walked in without lockpicking the door or having weapons drawn, he opened the door himself. this is not considered robbery/raid. the door was not locked. When i walked inside there was no confrontation. only after i was inside he confronted me with a shotgun drawn. i did not force myself inside his room. also Omerta please mind your own business. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban.
  3. https://medal.tv/nl/games/garrys-mod/clips/jlR3elZk5EZoPvSRT/eUEIXeOUrtZj?invite=cr-MSxNQXksMjUyNzkxMjE3LA at 0:28 the unknown that called the police says "he is mugged in there, there are two guys, the guy with the white shirt is getting mugged" this is information that is impossible to know except ooc communications
  4. Alright then you either PK him aswel or you both let us keep our character like we discussed in the ticket. also...
  5. PK Appeal Format Below is the format that you must followed when making a PK appeal, you must copy all sections and fill them out in detail. Rules: You may only make one appeal per PK, if you are denied you will be unable to appeal for that character again. You must appeal within one week of your character being PK'd, appeals posted after this time will be automatically denied. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Name of Character: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19895630 Your Discord ID#: medewerkervandemaand Date of PK: 24-12-2024 Reason for PK: dying in a raid Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: the admin that took the pk ticket firesidecone34 made a mistake about if it was a raid because he heard lockpicking. during the ticket we figured out that the lockpicking was indeed not from me or my friend. also you can see in the video that the lockpicking continues after the door is open. after that the admin told me to make a appeal on the forum because he did not have the perms to unPK my character. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/nl/games/garrys-mod/clips/jlrGpG9Jux35eFwh2/fQeN3mYcWhCV?invite=cr-MSxQSGgsNTEyMjg3MSw
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