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Everything posted by jeremy

  1. Calling me a pickle sniffer is unnecessary.
  2. I did not use AI to write the appeal nor reply. I typed it out myself.
  3. Thank you for your response. I see that my previous appeals, especially the way I expressed myself, did not come across well, and I sincerely apologize for that. and I regret that I didn’t handle the situation in a more mature and responsible way. Back then, I let my emotions get the better of me, and I regret letting that cloud my judgment. I understand how it must have seemed like I was only apologizing to get unbanned, instead of showing real accountability. I want to make it clear that I take full responsibility for my actions, and I know my past responses doesn't reflect how I am now.
  4. Your Character or Steam Name: Currently jeremy on Steam Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:564194565 Your Discord ID: Currently using another Discord account as I had lost the password to my First account. Reason for ban: NITRP or RDM, The server ban message does not show. Reason for appeal (apology): Hey, I just want to start by saying I’m really sorry for how I acted a while back. I know I messed up big time, especially with the real life threat I made after getting banned. That was completely out of line, and I deeply regret it. I wasn’t thinking about how my actions could affect the admin or the community, and I see now how wrong it was. Looking back, I realize how much damage that behavior could’ve caused, and I feel terrible about it. I’ve learned from that mistake, and I’m genuinely sorry for causing all that negativity. I understand that I hurt players and that I broke trust, and I take full responsibility for that. Why should you be unbanned? I’m asking for a second chance because I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on my actions (Coming up to 2 years since I was banned) and learning from my mistakes. I’ve realized how important it is to respect the community and the rules. I’ve grown since then, and I know I’ve got a lot to prove, but I’m serious about making things right within the server and community, If I’m given another chance, I promise I’ll be a positive and respectful part of the community. I don’t want to repeat the same mistakes, and I’m ready to show that I’ve changed through my actions. I truly enjoyed being part of the server, and I’d love the opportunity to come back and contribute in a better way. Thanks for reading this and considering my appeal. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None.
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