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About devlin_bowman12

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  1. Yes I understand. Like I said not too worried about it. I work more than I am home. Just thought it was stupid considering I told them before I left that I was leaving and gave the capo 50k just to leave and go on ROA. Again sorry for wasting time here, if I have time I'll be back in the city. Fourth times the charm with a suit character.
  2. Except wasn't really active on that character but was always on my cop character. But it's ok, clearly if everyone on the server is reading this which yall are because yall really don't do much else. I gave the proper leaving of this group when my internet was cut. When it came back on I jumped into the city and they asked if I wanted to keep with them. I told them sure but I don't know if I was going to play that much because of work then went through the proper way of letting them know I was leaving. After that I hopped on that character one night a month later and unwhitelisted oops my bad. I then let them know to see if I needed to re whitelist or if I could stay retired. No one reached back out to me, But that is what I get when people say this is a semi serious roleplay server but don't take anything seriously. It's ok I was just trying to see if I could get it appealed. I don't have much time and that character had over two million in suits I could've sold. Sorry I was one of the few that only wanted to hang with friends and pay them for basically nothing. Also I paid them to go on ROA so you saying I was avoiding kickups is crazy. They never did anything in that group and I never was a made guy when I came back. And I talked to yort about retiring my character because of work and he said and I quote "That would be fine just let your capo know." I did that, left, unwhitelisted and immediately let the crew know. Yall def right I didn't do anything to avoid this from happening. Smh the funniest thing is this is the second character that TJ is screwed over that led to my pk. The first he added someone to my bank account without letting me know and they snitched to the cops on what was in there. I told Yort that TJ didn't care about his position or the crew. Now here we are. Don't worry about the appeal. I've done been killed and came back three times and made a suit character. I really hope people know factions don't offer you shit except a quick pk. Sorry for wasting anyone time that actually matters that looked into this. I just figured hey since I did what I was told to do that the pk should have been nulled.
  3. Name of Character: Vincent Alvia SteamID: 76561199146857524 Your Discord ID#: mr.crowley12 Date of PK: 12/16/2024 Reason for PK: Failure to paykickups, failure to help the mob, unwhitelisting. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be unpked because I went through and followed the steps needed when I realized what I had done. I let my capo know that I had accidentally unwhitelisted myself and asked for either my actual retirement or if I needed to come back. I have had issues with this person in the past not doing their jobs and being a lousy capo. I made it known to the group that he didn't care about his job or position and now here we are. And Yort glad you find it funny. It's your group that will subsequently be affected by this. You knew days before any of that happened that I was headed out because I was working to much. Sorry I didn't need your group to make money and only came back for that one week to hang with friends, that I later found out yall let go and killed.
  4. Wow and shocker the guy that told me he was going to check and see if I needed to be whitelisted again is here. Man I hope you are doing a better job than before. Because of you this happened. I have reached out and talked to who I needed to talk to. All I know is Mr. Clean still is a lousy worker smh. So TJ you going to sit there and act like you monte kyle and I wasn't in a vc together because my character was unwhitelisted and I asked if I could just go to the polish and you said you would check with hire ups and never got back to me. Sorry I went on to play other games. Should've did what you said you were going to do.
  5. Also you can check the bank logs if they go back to around 8/5 I took out money to give to them. It was 50k I believe to go on ROA. There were a few others on call that night that I asked if I needed to re whitelist. I will see if they will post on here in my behalf. Shocker the dude I use to work for doesn't want my character back. Wouldn't go on his word since I was in his faction with this character and had to leave it sadly in negative ways.
  6. Hey I was killed tonight after making a return to actually wanting to get back into the city and I was Pk'ed. I was told my old group took it out because of failure to pay kickups. not helping with the group, and Un whitelisting without permission. I went on a ROA and eventually retired my character with them a few months back. I wasn't really playing that character and everyone was fine with it. I even updated it in their little discord page. The week I left them I paid a hefty kickup fee to my then Capo and told him I was going to take a break and go on ROA and most likely retire my character. Everyone was ok with it because I was mainly on my cop character. Now logging back in they had orders on me. Can I please get this character pked appeal because they had no right to even put a hit on my character. I did Un whitelist my character from their faction but I did it drunk one night and didnt realize it was that character. I reached out to my then ex capo to let him know in a discord VC. He said he was going to see if they wanted me to come back and that was the last I heard from them. Unfortunately I do not have a clip of the call where we were talking about me going on ROA and him saying ok and telling me to put it in discord.
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