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Spaceium last won the day on June 22 2024

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  1. +1 always a pleasure to interact with and he constantly gives out good RP!
  2. Toss up between Hamir Abdul and Maggy Finch
  3. "When joining a criminal faction all users understand and partake in the risk of being PK'ed as is the nature of being a criminal. Members of a faction who break their IC code of conduct or run risk to the faction can be ordered killed by the faction leader. See below." Not just me, but many different members of High Command & Mid Command have spoken to you about your behavior. These were not a one off situation, it was repeated actions by you after NUMEROUS warnings.
  4. Brother... I was Don at the time of your PK. Listing one of the reasons is perfectly valid... That does not invalidate the orders... I don't need to write a on why I PK'd you and the admin doing the PK doesn't want a novel from me...
  5. Do you want us to send a paragraph listing out in painful detail every single reason that went into our decision to PK you? When we listed the reason for the PK as disrespect, we were only mentioning one of the MANY reasons for your PK. I'm sorry what? You don't think that is a valid reason to PK your dumbass? You're in the middle of the streets, talking about someone being murdered, not only that you are using the words "PK" which could invalidate their kill altogether. 14k had all the right to be pissed off about that.
  6. Lol... 1st: You were PK'd due to constant disrespect to Aurora and Grag, then the fact that in the course of 1 week you were arrested 3 times bringing a lot of un-needed attention to us. It doesn't matter if you beat the cases or not (which in of itself could be suspicious...), you were still arrested and charged. 2nd: You also caused drama with our ally faction the 14k. When they were getting ready to PK a guy you ran up to them I the Middle of the Street and said, "Wow you guys about to do a PK on him!" with the subject of the PK standing RIGHT THERE. Needless to say we had a meeting about that between us and the 14k. This alone is enough to PK you Now in regards to the give it a month, I said that we could talk in a month or two because you were straight up begging me to unpk you (something I cannot do). So I said we could speak in a month so you would leave me alone... The PK mention clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i6vGd5woJrL8CQu2w/d1337o6t4doF?invite=cr-MSxSdlQsMTk5OTAzNjIxLA
  7. Spaceium

    PK Appeal

    To provide even further context This guy was Transferred over by Hymie along with EVERY OTHER WIESS member back in October of 2023. and if as you say they have 2 weeks to set them, is there a Screenshot to prove they set him active? Or Logs? Finally, Monte was not in Pruszkowksa during this time, as he was kicked for some "controversy" MONTHS prior to the move over. One last thing, he changed his name and face since then, so how would they have known who to kill? Seems like they might of metagame the actual kill too
  8. Spaceium

    PK Appeal

  9. Spaceium

    PK Appeal

    He didn't leave... He was pulled over BY Hymie. When Hymie split Pruszkowsa in two he pulled a bunch of members INCLUDING him over which counts as permission due to Hymie being Don at the time. Furthermore, he was in our faction for 8 months which is FAR beyond the 2 week limit for Don's orders!
  10. +1 They have been doing none stop events and bringing RP to the server, so much fun!
  11. Eh Kinda Unoriginal, but would be cool to have another active faction!
  12. It's cool to see African American RP that doesn't devolve into Blood v Crips RP. Massive +1
  13. +1 Mr. Kostas is the only reason that I am still plus one this app.
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