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Jacob Baker

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Everything posted by Jacob Baker

  1. I did prove it was an ooc reason, did you not read my screenshots?
  2. Okay but that wasn’t the reason, the reason was I robbed someone. The robbing had zero witnesses except for a DEAD person who told the others ooc after death which is shown in above screenshots.
  3. Also, I was told you need a reason to PK someone (which is clipped). I was told by an admin that if my reason isn’t clipped that it doesn’t count. How is this PK true at all?!?
  4. I didn’t kill anyone, my partner did also we had been talking about what to do with him while we were standing behind him with the gun and he had “somewhat” implied he was going to tell the fam so we had to do what we had to do, that isn’t failmug. Also wanted to add that I even gave the money back to the player, I was just trying to make some cool roleplay. I even have the actual accuser apologizing to me telling me that I shouldn’t have been pk’d for this situation. He told me it completely unmotivated him to play considering he told the gang ooc. I can tell Antonio genuinely feels bad and can see that this whole situation isn’t right. The kill was completely within the rules, he had mentioned he “had to tell the fam” so my partner ended up killing him. We even role played it perfectly you can ask Antonio (which is the person I robbed). As soon as my partner shot him I freaked out and was like “oh fuck dude why’d you shoot him, we gotta go now or we’re going to jail” Antonio could even tell you guys. once again tho, Antonio was killed during the robbery “within the rules and rp” that being said, anything he told you after he died is fail rp and me being killed for the mugging is not a true pk
  5. the person who was mugged was killed leaving ZERO witnesses, how would anyone even know?? he admitted to telling ppl ooc after he died i would understand if people witnessed it but no one did once again there were ZERO witnesses to what happened so the "don" having me pk'd for it is complete fail rp. they only found out after the guy was killed and he told them ooc after he had already died which is written in the screenshot
  6. Name of Character: Jacob Baker SteamID: 76561198058357193 Your Discord ID#: barackosamabinpresident Date of PK: 2024-12-19 Reason for PK: no reason what so ever Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was in the lucchese family and I had robbed someone “fully disguised and all” during the mugging the person ended up being killed and there was ZERO witnesses. 2 days later which was today, Vinnie who is also in the family brought me to the side and pked me for robbing someone while in the family. I then confronted the person I robbed on discord and he told me he told the gang ooc after he died that he was robbed. That being said, no body witnessed the robbing and nobody knew, it’s complete bullshit for them to pk me for a robbery that no one witnessed, I also have screenshots of the person admitting he told them ooc after he died and apologizing for me getting pked. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I will attach screenshots.
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