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Nigatar last won the day on December 27 2024

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  1. Nigatar

    PK appeal

    All cap except first one, but yall said i was good. and you making it seem i snapped on the 14k hc member because he aint answer me bro was just ignoring me but then chose not to ignore me when i cursed him out and the other members were talking shit which i talked shit back nobody cried nigga you lucky i aint have a gun i just knew you were gonna kill me idk why you were being unhonest bout it lmao
  2. Nigatar

    PK appeal

    they told me this if i bring heat to the family im getting pked if i do anything that can cause harm to the family imma get pked. These "dumb" things they said i've done did nothing to hurt the faction and thats how you know they just wanted to pk me just to pk me not a good reason. And btw as you can tell before he kills me he said "should've listened to douchebag" douchebag doenst evne talk to me in discord or ingame so idk why he would say that, tahts why i think this death was personal ooc like the don despite not even talking to me but only having my name just wanted me gone for some reason
  3. Nigatar

    PK appeal

    Name of Character: Hisako Ryo SteamID: [U:1:1562299554] Your Discord ID#: ilovedinosaurs_1 Date of PK: yestday Reason for PK: i have no idea Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: only thing i can possibily think of me getting pked was when i got into an agrument with a high ranking guy from the store accross us but then i guess my acting don or the real don idk told me to apologise and i did they said im good. then i think a few hours later im in the apartment processing dope and then a guy comes and and says "you should've listened to douchebag" thats weird because douchebag never talked to me beside the meeting as far as i know and he wasnt even speaking directly to me in the meeting just to everyone so idk how i "should've listened" to douchbag if he or she hasnt told me anything for me to listen too If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: heres the pk clip https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jBYiO1xPdQMtJkbXq?invite=cr-MSxjd3ksMTkzMTA3NjIzLA
  4. Nigatar

    PK appeal

    they probably baited you into doing some stupid shit so they can tell the admins "he punched a member" to get you pked i mean that what comes with the mafia life that you agreed to, your life is at your dons hand if he or she wants you out of there your out of there
  5. This would be great for making new connections while in jail, and a good way to rack up charges in fights.
  6. Nigatar


    When I ordered drugs was because they said im ready to order drugs i ordered maybe 2 times beacuse of there permission since yesterday and today i was only selling oil until they said i could buy Q so it seems like they set me up to let me know about drugs just to pk me, and to your "bad rep", i have a bad rep in the bonannos like im saying i feel like my death was ooc reasons maybe a person who has a bonanno char was saying how im no good despite me not doing anything in the game to give the faction a bad rep i wasnt cursing anybody out or doing anything wrong. And BTW there is no knowledge of me being in a faction nobodys told me im in a faction only thing that was told me thats illegal is that im allowed to sell drugs that was told to me in the ghetto, and if i was giving the faction a bad rep why they took me into a ghetto room saying im allowed to buy drugs then litertaly like a 20 or 25 minutes later after that i buy drugs because they allowed me to and then I get pked, like i know for a certain they said that to me so i can buy drugs just so they can pk me, And you say "he knew to much"about crime and shit even if i did know about it my death was completly unjust i litertaly got hired yesterday met alot of people today kuz nobody was on yesterday. i would appreciate i get unpked and all knowledge of the drugs and shit be voided, because this pk is so bs like bro i hop on today how tf i give a bad rep when nobody was on yesterday except for the nigga that hired me and all i was doing was doing oil until they said im allowed to sell drugs.
  7. Nigatar


    PK Appeal Format Below is the format that you must followed when making a PK appeal, you must copy all sections and fill them out in detail. Rules: You may only make one appeal per PK, if you are denied you will be unable to appeal for that character again. You must appeal within one week of your character being PK'd, appeals posted after this time will be automatically denied. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Name of Character: Volodymyr Zelenskyy SteamID: STEAM_0:0:781149777 Your Discord ID#: ilovedinosaurs_1 Date of PK: 8:27 PM 12/30/2024 Reason for PK: I have no idea i just got the job yesterday I havent talked to anyone or did anything i wasnt supposed to do. Why should you be unPK'd? Because some people that work at this faction have bonanno characters so they just pked me because they honestly dont like me just because i dont wanna be bonanno anymore. i me i felt it was very unjust for me to get pked even tho i didnt do anything wrong and the only reason they gave yall was "bad rep" how tf i bring bad rep if i just joined yesterday nobody was on yesterday but the guy that hired me and i got on today when everyone was on i greeted everyone gave me my name to everyone that asked, extended my hand shook hands, like bruh wtf could i have possibily done wrong, other than past shit that happened on another char. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: this is just the video of the pk https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jolU8rqnZjk650tBp?invite=cr-MSxVT0ssMTkzMTA3NjIzLA
  8. Nigatar

    PK appeal

    Name of Character: Yamato Ishida SteamID: [U:1:1562299554] Your Discord ID#: ilovedinosaurs_1 Date of PK: Yesterday Reason for PK: Failraid Why should you be unPK'd? I know what i did was stupid but i litertaly just wanted to go inside his house i wasnt gonna shoot anybody or rob anybody if i did want to i would've been shot him when i seen him with his gun i tried to back away and run away and not shoot at him, and this character means something to be because i been collecting christmas presents on it for a while now been through trial and tribulations with this char. And If this gets denied i understand what i did was fucking retarded. And i thought it wouldnt be a pk if i didnt point guns at him or try to harm him and because it was a townhouse not owned by a faction If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jnjsYi29JdjIo3S1n?invite=cr-MSxNNnEsMTkzMTA3NjIzLA
  9. Yeah how he know that info they should investigate and hand out meta game bans cause wtf
  10. thats a random person saying that the reason for your death could've been you breaking any faction rules
  11. still man even if the don pked you for a ooc. reason unless you can prove it your pk was valid!! And because you chose the accept button when you joined a faction you knew the risks of joining, your life is at the hands of your don
  12. not really if don wants you gone your gone he doesnt really need a reason the reason could be because he didnt like the way your shoes looked
  13. Nigatar

    ban appeal

    you couldnt even let me apologise man i hopped you you instantly started shooting at me you could've said someting like why did you just do that ect ect ect. And i wasnt trying to vdm anybody buddy if i wanted to kill you with my car i wouldve fucking been did that me running into your car and somebody getting killed was just a mistake. And why are you lying buddy when have i ever had an uzi why your saying i intentionally ran someone over when in the clip it clearly shows i didnt intentionally run him over it was clearly an accident that he died.
  14. Nigatar

    ban appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: Antonio Rossi Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): [U:1:1562299554] Your Discord ID#: tin_tam24 Reason for ban: NLR AND VDM Length of ban: 14 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Apology - It was not intentional, I hopped out my car immediately to not pose any threat Why should you be unbanned?It was a complete accident, as soon as I saw the people I tried to slow down but my car was in the air and you cant slow a car down while its flying. I sincerely apolgize and I do understand my PO's but this was not intentional. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
  15. Nigatar

    pk appeal

    lmao you tried to pk somebody got pked lololollolololo
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