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Everything posted by khozozo237

  1. The issue here is the meta gaming. The other person had specific information about things that happened inside the room. I already explained it in the pk appeal if you even took the time to read it, but according to your reply you didn't. No shots were fired prior to the police breach. A PK is only given if you are initiating a mugging and did initiate a shootout or a violent confrontation with the police. According to the clips, the act of mugging was already done and transitioned into another action(Kidnapping). They shot first and did initiate a shootout, being armed in anticipation of an unknown threat is not an act of violence and not 'initiating' a shootout. The information that the police and the other guy had could have only came from meta gaming, as no one outside the room would have known these details. If you even took the time to watch the video, at 00:29 you can hear the guy telling the police information that is impossible to know outside of the room. Meta Gaming influenced the whole rp situation and made the situation unfair, that lead to my PK. This PK should be repealed as the reason for this PK is based on meta gamed information, which is not allowed to be used IC and made this whole situation invalid.
  2. Name of Character: Emiliano 'El Negro' Del Rio SteamID: STEAM_0:1:207767086 Your Discord ID#: .sd11 Date of PK: 24/12 EST Reason for PK: Shooting a police officer and dying in the confrontation Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Me and my friend mugged and kidnapped 1 guy. We stripped the guy off all his clothes so he only has a white shirt on now and we also took off his phone, drugs and his weapon. After this we locked him up in the bathroom hands tied. 2 minutes later, Someone shot the door. Me and my friend thought it were the friends of the kidnapped person. 1 minute later, the door was open and we thought it was lock picked. After I peeked the corner I saw police. The police did not identify themselves from what I could hear inside the room so how could I have known it was police in the first place. The police shot immediately and you can also hear it in the video. You first hear the shotgun and then the shots out of the desert eagle. In the clip of the police officer there was a guy telling him there was someone being kidnapped and only wearing a white shirt in our room. There is no way someone would have known him being kidnapped and definitely not him being a white shirt now, because we stripped him off clothes inside the room. The only persons who would have known are me, my friend and the kidnapped guy in the bathroom. He also voluntarily went inside the room because of a drug deal, so no one also saw him being kidnapped and in cuffs or being stripped of his clothes. So all the information was inside the room and for some reason with a closed door and walls around the room some guy outside of the room knew exactly what was going on. In the staff ticket, this guy lied to the admin (Falcon) and told him he only heard shots, but there were no shots fired in our room. This is a blatant case of meta gaming. I made a staff ticket and the admin did not even want to hear my side of the story and immediately pked me because I shot at the police even though the rules state if police started the engagement its not a pk if you get killed. Source: ■ Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes. Generally we want people to not immediately go for the gun when dealing with Police, as a result if you escalate a situation to a shootout and lose you can be punished via PK as your character was killed. This does not apply if it is the Police that fired first or escalated to a shootout. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jlR3elZk5EZoPvSRT?invite=cr-MSxNQXksMjUyNzkxMjE3LA (Clip of the police officer) (if the medal clip gets deleted, let me know. I downloaded it and it can be reuploaded.) https://youtu.be/pl872zPiQ6w (Clip of my friend) (edited)
  3. +1, I know TeKz from a while ago, and hes a good guy. He definitely learns from his mistakes and should be allowed another chance.
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