Your Discord ID#: Don't use it anymore.
Reason for ban: M/VDM
Length of ban:
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Sadly even though I did explain myself during the sit, I accidently committed mass vdm by pressing shift while driving
a mini cooper, oddly enough I didn't think the mini cooper would be as fast as it was, I misjudged myself and hit about 8 people, I am not sure how many died or were actually left just wounded, there is no clip as far as I know but I was constantly saying sorry and that I did not mean to hit them.
Why should you be unbanned? Huge mistake on my part, I should have realized what car I was driving and or how it could have effected other players, I do greatly apologize on what I did and will make sure to be safe while driving and or RPing in game.
thank you for your consideration, best regards. - Jon Clot
Player Name
Number 6
Player SteamID
Ban Reason
Ban Expires
in 11 days (2024-11-19 23:32:54)