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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/25 in Posts

  1. You were PKed for 2 reasons, both of which occurred in a short period of time. A long term made man vouching that you lockpicked inside of our own hotel Carrying and waving a firearm, with a scratched serial number and while not holding a license, around our most active property First is obviously an issue and the second is blatantly against family rules, as well as just not being how we want/expect anyone in the faction to act. Especially at a property that is at times heavily observed by police, although I think that should go without saying considering you seem to understand the size of the faction. A large part of this life is keeping anything illegal that you do lowkey, out of the view of outsiders in order to prevent attention/heat being brought to the family. These 2 things in such a short period of time led to one of the Don's trusted making the decision to whack you out of the faction. Here is the agreement you accept whenever joining a faction, warning of what may come. Ultimately it just didn't work out and I wish you luck in whichever faction you end up staying in.
    7 points
  2. Name of Character: Eddie "Big Nuts" Lizano SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Your Discord ID#: .rizo Date of PK: 1/12/ Reason for PK: mugged and shot Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated? Y You may not mug in a public place, you can, however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around. EXAMPLE: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area.) this whole secenario which is in the mugging rules is almost identical to my situation btw. Before I was being mugged by ix_crazy_xi and his friend, I was chilling with Banana Man, or better known as Whitey. We were walking down the tunnels towards the car dealership, and then these two pulled up in their car with their guns pulled out and then proceeded to say, “Put your hands up!” The funny thing is one of them died from their own car by either an explosion or some other thing. Right after this, I was shot by ix_crazy_xi, and he says it’s because “I didn’t put my hands up.” But I don't have a keyboard with F1-12 keys because it is only a 60% keyboard, so I just stood there and accepted the mug but was shot anyway. I didn’t move or make any aggressive actions towards him. This was crazy PK bait, and he knows it. This was not random and 100% targeted. I did not clip it because I believed, “No shot that ix_crazy_xi calls the ticket after his boy died." So I just got off. I get on tonight to find out I’m PKD. this also shows the same friend who died by his car came back to the spot to flick up. Steam Community :: Rizo this also shows the same friend who died by his car came back to the spot to flick up. https://imgur.com/a/514x98f
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. interesting how your friends comment on my post, but when mine do, you actually get stubborn. He does bring up great points. As an ex-metagamer myself, I can spot metagaming from miles away. You both pulled up, not a word; you both sit in the car. definitely saying, "It's Big Nuts, the most chill person in town," in your little Discord call. You then probably gave each other a little countdown because both of you got out of the car at the same time. And already knew what the plan was, so unless you're telepathic and pulled up on me and thought, "Hmmmm, let's mug these guys at the same time." It's obvious you were both in a call.
    2 points
  5. I know we're way closer to the 90s than we are the 80s, but video arcades were still fairly predominant up until consoles really took off in the early 2000s. We could add to the 80s theme by adding a video arcade whether it'd be public or a private racket / business. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528767279 https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/arcade-machines-2-realistic-arcade-gaming Most of this stuff is public, will obviously need a lot of development to make it work with all the current systems, but if it's a private business license you can apply for, maybe there can be an unused building made for this kind of thing like an arcade. Either: A) It's public, and people can play and the way it'd work is after so much score, like let's say their final score is around 1000, this would give them a "100 ticket" item (could use the casino number plates if you wanted to, or create a custom ticket model, either or really) in their inventory. 10,000 score, "1000 tickets" etc, etc. They would then go to the vendor / npc in the building and sell them for real money like oil companies do with their barrels of oil. B) If it's a private business, it'd be the same thing but the family / business would be the only ones with access to the NPC and can sell tickets and give the person a large cut of however many tickets they gave them. (up to the business and / or the law however they want to make it work). EDIT: Instead of a ticket system you could also just utilize the coin exchange machine. Let the business set the price for coins and they can collect the cash the vendor generates. In the end, this could be very legit. People can do their VR chat RP in the arcade, shoot the shit while playing Galaga or some other game, while others who are more serious and want to continue conducting their illegal business and running their shipments don't have to hear "skibidi rizz" and "gmod" / other ooc terms every corner they take. This could isolate a lot of those people to the video arcade if done well and free up a lot of OOC traffic on the streets, while providing another potential legal way for businesses to make money. (I don't know if this is the correct addon I've linked above, but this is what I would guess the games would look like as the addon as well as this video was uploaded a long time ago).
    1 point
  6. Name of Character: Eddy Salvador Date of PK: 1/13/2025 Reason for PK: I was selling a suit. Then the kid pulled a gun out said don't move I literally left laughing and he killed me. Admin pulled me a few minutes later. Said it's considered a pk. He was cool though. Said to just appeal it. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Listen I'm very new to this server. And I'm still learning. I just sell suits. I'm confused that's all. Note: Thanks for your consideration. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
    1 point
  7. Your Name: Snorky SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634759308 Staff Member involved: Byte/Julius What flags were blacklisted from you?: "Prop Minging" Reason for blacklist (if given): Minging. Why should they be returned?: I was in little Italy and while I was there I was putting up my Taiwan flags at a reasonable distance from the establishments entrances. The flag was not that big and I even did a /me putting up the flag. However the Italians came up to my flag and started to burn it. I moved away from them placing down another with the /me puts up flag, and repeat. I did however spammed music in little Italy which I will admit that was braking a rule but that rule does not have anything to do with my flags. I did move my flag over to the other side of little Italy and started to do the /me again. After that I was brought up to a sit getting a warning not to do that again by the mod Julius. However Byte thought it was a good idea to step into the sit and took them away without even telling me. I really hope the staff team looks into the logs deeper when this happened. However I do not think any rules were being broken considering that everything was done through a professional role play setting, and that is why I think my flags that I spent real life money on in a video game should be returned for me to use them. I will be responding to whatever the staff team has to object to my statements if I am available. Thank you
    1 point
  8. dont think you are involved with it and you are not staff either so if u please but out
    1 point
  9. I think bro needs to be un PKd, this seems unfair to him, after reviewing alot of evidence i have personally been given, it seems they where aiming for the PK, and were also likely meta-gaming. with ZERO communication they both seemed to acknowledge they had the right targets by just pulling up on the street. it also seemed like they knew exactly where to look, but i dont have enough evidence to prior situations, this is what it looks like. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtJMsW5hJbDBCGEsg/Y988tPpQkYJb?invite=cr-MSxnd1osMTk3MTkzNTEwLA The rules regarding mugging also state adequate time must be given and that multiple commands must first be issued, according to the rules multipl,e, hastily said commands dont work. the first "hands up" starts at 12 seconds and is constantly repeated, the mugger opens fire at 24 seconds, this is not enough reaction time to be fair, some people when something is repeated and yelled at them, tend to pause. and it is also a violation of the rule prior mentioned, which again requires multiple commands given, no? i would also like to remark that this is most certainly an invalid mug location. it is openly public, and nowhere near a discreet location to finish the mugging (you can only walk people up to twelve meters im fairly certain) at any second a passing-by driver could pass by and inform the police. or an officer themself could have happened by. this situation stinks of PK baiting.
    1 point
  10. yeah so when he died u had more than enough time to put your hands up and you failed to do so, so I killed you both and got away. also, I will not be arguing with you like a child so if you please stop crying thanks.
    1 point
  11. well if u look more at the mugging map it is a yellow zone what we were going to do is tie you up and bring you to a red zone also we do care about those characters and we did not want to kill you we wanted to rob you not kill you but you would not put your hands up.
    1 point
  12. Also this rule shows that this was fail mug. You may not mug in a public place, you can, however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around. EXAMPLE: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area.) - You may only pull them a reasonable distance. Forcing them to follow you / pulling the victim long distances or crossing into public areas / streets is illogical and can be seen as fail mug. Your secluded location should not be more than a dozen meters away, within a reasonable distance. I want both niggas involved to face the consequences
    1 point
  13. Were you in a location that mugging was even possible? If you were on a busy street in plain view of others, cameras, etc, theres a good chance the mug itself was invalid.
    1 point
  14. Hello, We found actions relating to your steam account to have been in violation with Dutch law, as we operate servers in the Dutch Sealand region we must comply with their requirements to terminate all offending accounts, we apologize for this inconvenience.
    1 point
  15. Hello first of all, I would like to say that I and the other person involved who is a staff member has not made mugging chars it is my main currently and the other guy is also his main I have had this character for a couple of weeks and we didn't mug we were not going to mug we were instructed to by someone who is my boss ICLY .
    1 point
  16. More like baiting. The kid isn't even good at mugging for God sakes lol
    1 point
  17. So as one of the people that mugged you, I did not go back on a new char. We had made a ticket, and the bodies were spawned then craszy went back to grab evidence(casings) and we decided to take a picture (After 15 minutes of me dying). I was then brought later (10 minutes) by admins telling me that even though I died to a bug it was we either all die or stay alive. It was also not a pk bait being that we were there to mug you not at all to kill you (We both had restraints). Also, having a 60% keyboard is your fault knowing that is IC binds used with the Formula keys.
    1 point
  18. Nahhhhh keep making yo confederate flags
    1 point
  19. Hi, I PK'd all 3 of you. The commands given were valid, and whether or not you can put your hands up due to a 60% keyboard, you showed no regard for the mug, and even broke RP when one of the guys died due to a collision glitch. If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't of made a joke of the situation I'd be telling the mugger "I don't have F keys". Also, if you're playing on the server with a 60% keyboard, clearly you worked out how to open up your F1 inventory, F3 people, etc. Surely you can make one for putting your hands up so this doesn't happen again. With a senior admin, we brought the muggers to a roof and gave them the choice; both of the people getting mugged get PK'd as well as the guy who died due to a glitch while initiating a mugging, or nobody gets PK'd. Obviously you can deduce by now, they chose to keep everyone PK'd. This is a rare offer as we can see that yes, the glitch death broke rp a bit, but in my eyes, it didn't need to break rp, you guys did that voluntarily, making me think you didn't care about the fact that you're in a PKable situation, making me believe this was pk worthy. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtJMsW5hJbDBCGEsg/Eu6ZVdV0jdIM?invite=cr-MSxnd1osMTk3MTkzNTEwLA
    1 point
  20. Yeah, this dude has been getting absolutely targeted from this server, man... I mean, yeah, he did metagame in the past, but that doesn't mean he's an asshole, just a guy with a hothead and poor decision-making. I see people disrespect him and look down on him because of his past, which is irrelevant because it's the 'past!' And recently he's been in a string of bad luck, like when he got caught evading the cops from a non-RP scenario when the dupes reset. Bro needs a break, and I think he deserves this non-PK because a lot of these things are not in his control. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jthtmTsklYWjrBkki?invite=cr-MSxMYW8sMjIzOTgzNTk2LA
    1 point
  21. Your Character or Steam Name: Altoid Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567801681 Your Discord ID#: 1049146355131625472 // @altoid2 Reason for ban: NITRP Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal: Dispute Why should you be unbanned?: Listen, I know that I'm sort of prone to getting banned and I understand my past offences history on this server but I reviewed the clip and I honestly don't think this ban was conducted properly, I don't think the punishment fit what I did, and to back up this claim I will send a clip of the events that lead up to the ban itself. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jusJPvgtcH6rQxY_E?invite=cr-MSx0ZncsMjI0MTMzNTY4LA
    0 points
  22. i find it intriguing that you don't even attempt to deny the accusation I have made, and instead are opting for removal of me from the situation. i become involved when my close friends are affected negatively, as a friend I must help him succeed and shed light in his favor.
    0 points
  23. Yet you thought your character was dying was worth it. You were givin a chance to not pk anyone including yourself but chose to pk yourself and me. This shows that you my freind are bullshiting. And the “plan” was to pray I retaliated so you could murder me. Kind of like what I did to get perma banned but I guess it’s ok scince your a staff member.
    0 points
  24. I understand. I just genuinely didn't know I couldn't just walk away. I mean it's fine. I probably won't come back though. But before I go. I just gotta ask. Why do you allow underage children to be in the server. That was a child that killed me. I walked away because I didn't take him seriously. Because he's a child. Lol I'm just saying. That alone will ruin a server. But Hey it was fun though I guess. I met some decent people. Edit* Shout out to "vic damone" and "Lou" at the lobster. Y'all was the coolest ones.
    0 points
  25. Hello, I was the one who took the PK ticket. You had Dons Orders placed on you for: "Bringing heat to the family's businesses by brandishing an illegal firearm in public as well as other crimes in public". After discussing the reason with them I was also informed that you were caught lockpicking your own property's doors, being the hotel your company owns. These led to one of the Don's trusted command to place orders on you to prevent further damage. When you join a crime family, read the prompt that comes up on your screen, you can be wacked without warning for breaking any family rules or making the family look bad, as well as other reasons.
    0 points
  26. Hi, I was the one who issued the orders for your pk, the reason behind it was brandishing an illegal scratched firearm in our business along with a general attitude of bringing heat to the family along with many suspicious events surrounding you and lockpicking of properties, all these reasons combined lead me to make the decision to set you active.
    0 points
  27. no one’s reading all that party pooper
    0 points
  28. for you to say you dont have the f1-f12 is cap because i also have a %60 you have to hold down FN then whatever the number is i think you just a little bit slow in the head my guy
    0 points
  29. i have my f1-f4 keys binded to my 123 and 4 keys Since now that I have seen the clip, it is very obvious they were in a call. They both got out at the same time without a word right after pulling up on us without looking around and telling each other at least a code word. which shows that this was planned to target me, so they could get me PKD, so this was never about mugging me; it was about murdering me, and they did it all inside of a VC.
    0 points
  30. -1 points
  31. -1 points
  32. quite unfortunate honestly
    -1 points
  33. I doubt it; he spent too much money to quit
    -1 points
  34. -1 points
  35. so you pulled up because what you thought my clothes were fancy. and you wanted em or was it the fact that your don told you to. what was the motive? because there is no denying it was premeditated. im going to bed crazy how admins gotta mug me now.
    -1 points
  36. "the reason behind it was brandishing an illegal scratched firearm in our business" This was the single incident I was speaking of. Please provide some proof or an example of something you know I did to warrant a PK besides the weapon that I handed over to the family before it caused any problems and took my punishment with grace. You didn't like the weapon? fine, I gave it to you and said I wouldn't do it again (which I didn't). That was the last time I did something even remotely worth correcting let alone PKing. It was my first offense and I did nothing afterward to warrant a PK. I just looked through the entirety of the Family Member Kills section and found not one valid reason you would have to PK me. Please feel free to quote some rules you think I broke as I will be quoting them as well momentarily. "as well as other crimes in public" There is zero evidence I lock-picked anything at all . As well as crimes in public, I committed zero besides the aforementioned brandishing a firearm. That was first offense and the only single thing I could have done to warrant any repercussion. I would like to see the proof they have that it says the may need to provide for the PK please. ● General You must be able to prove your claims to the Administrator, either by video/pictures or if an Administrator witnessed the reason itself. ○ If they’re in your family, they must have done something to directly harm the family, yourself, or another member of the family. ■ (Ex: Harm in a physical, or financial way. There has to be tangible damages) ■ The person in question, must have repeatedly done something to directly harm you, the family, or another member of the family. Unwarranted Harm in a financial (+7,500$) or repeated physical way, there has to be tangible damages, disrespect is not a reason to kill someone. This also means you cannot PK someone JUST for up one time. Having continued issues or warnings about behaviour or disputes can cause escalation to a PK. (Be sure to record all encounters/transgressions) ■ Actively betraying the gang. ● Examples: Intentionally ratting to the police, Intentionally setting the gang up to be attacked by rivals, or intentionally giving away gang secrets to a rival in an attempt to profit. ■ As a means of self-preservation ● If the member knowingly causes an issue with a larger gang, or other organized crime group, and you desire to avoid a war you may work it out with said rival gang or organized crime group to instead kill the cause of the strife. This is not an opportune reason, but it is a valid reason. ● If they have left the gang/family without approval from the leader, while holding the position of made man+ (or appropriate equivalent), they may be subject to a PK. Entry level associates who are not made or deeply committed to the organization may leave without harm as their position is low and they know very little. (Security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc) <You will be asked to provide evidence of rank> This does not apply if they have partaken in criminal actions, drug manufacturing/murder/robbery/etc. (However these actions may have to be proven). Generally under most don's orders. Here are a few of the rules you may be pushing for (Which by reading is obvious the PK is invalid) Please point out to me in any of the rule sections where I could be eligible for PK. Please I am actually so curious as to what this means or what proof you have of this. I understand your faction is the largest one on the server and can probably get away with bullshit like this all the time but please this shit is so vague and unspecific its a joke.
    -1 points
  37. Hi my friend, lets include the entire rule as well, this is the part that got you pked, additionally we did catch you lockpicking and I'm sure logs will back that up lol, lying bad !
    -1 points
  38. brought me here, to a locker in room G, in his own company's hotel (The Continental). He tried lockpicking the locker inside. (Not replying to this thread anymore, the fact he lied in his reply is why I felt the need to post this.)
    -1 points
  39. LOL despite warnings? I had one meeting with someone and no other incidents afterwards. Not a single meeting or talk with anyone about the lockpicking thing. It really helps to have someone on staff in the faction huh lol. Good to see meta-gaming is allowed to warrant a PK. Not a single person near me or who saw me doing anything. Congrats on having majority of the active player-base in one faction so you can abuse the shit out of it. Great to see lol. It's crazy bc I feel like the person who made the PK active definitely didn't have this view of things...... Glad to have some proof that the only way it could be proven is by staff lol. Metagaming is a hell of a drug
    -1 points
  40. You lied saying "logs will prove i never picklocked" then logs proved you wrong...
    -1 points
  41. Lol going through the same thing right now. Funny enough my PK was granted by the same staff member as you. Not involved but I'm definitely seeing that it's not just me dealing with staff who can PK you and be with the same faction that PKed you. Only thing that would make this worse is if it was the Lucchese family lol.
    -1 points
  42. How would you have put me in the car if ya boy was dead and he owned the car it was fail mug the second he died what if I did put my hands up would you have dragged me to weed ally where there’s a Npc? Which is well over 12 meters and scince when do you get to chose if it’s a pk or not I’ve never got that option and no one’s ever got that option I feel like the only reason it was presented is cuz one of the muggers was an administrator.
    -1 points
  43. Bringing up shit that has nothing to do with me cunt.
    -1 points
  44. Rules are rules guy read em next time and don’t forget you are a literal child
    -1 points
  45. TK's are like PKs but temporary! This would add something new to Diverge and would be super awesome sauce.
    -1 points
  46. Hi, staff member that took your flags here. I was made aware of the situation after other staff had reported it in staff chat. When I went to check your logs, I seen you had placed the props down in the same places multiples time repeatedly right after they had been removed by others doing the /mes to remove them. Reminder, you were doing this while mic spamming. You were using the props to further assist in your minging, thus they were removed for prop minge. You already had them removed before, you've already been told and given chances to use them responsibly. You continue to fail to show you have the ability to not abuse the flags, so they were removed from you again and I will be advocating they stay removed for an extended period this time, hopefully you will finally learn they are a privilege to be used responsibly, not a right. This is not a dark rp server. For other staff to check if they wish too as well, these are the last three you placed, last was across the street. You had at least two others just on your first pages of logs across the street with the others. Also note, the time between was way too short for actual RP as you want to argue. https://ibb.co/hBGWZx6 https://ibb.co/HgmpV3z https://ibb.co/3rStCVN
    -2 points
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